
Could you correct my english?

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For example, John, a 26-year-old, unemployed male, comes from a wealthy family and his father is a business-owner. Instead of looking for a job and helping his dad to take care of his business, he relies on his father for monetary support after he received his credit card bills showing that he maxed over $1,000 credit limit and he ran out of his pocket money. He becomes helpless and anger. Therefore, John feels that getting father's support is a way to seek solution so he could get out of this stress.

Friends may notice that those people with DPD depending heavily on them for validation. For example, John goes out with his roommate who is also his high school friend and he does not pay his friend back for drinks that he bought for John at the bars.




  1. I could but don't you think your teacher expects you to handle this chore yourself? It's called the learning process. BTW, the passage does need a lot of work.

  2. what the h**l are you talking about. is this what you want me to correct?? if soo... you would say angry not anger. a "his" before father in the last sentance, first paragraph. can instead of could on the last sentance, first paragraph. comma after DPD. comma after roomate and a comma after friend. no "and" before "he does not pay his friend"

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