
Could you do me the favor of answering these quires about lucky hockey hypothetical situations?

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1) Congrats! You found a fully stamp-filled Subway Club Card. You go to Subway, ask for a med. drink, & slide that bad boy across the silver counter. You notice the register guy looks awfully like Bill Clement. Many people in this world look like Tom Selleck, so do you even bother asking his name or commenting on the resemblance?

2) Congrats! You win a Ford F-150, & tickets for a free golf day with your favorite teams back-up goalie. Both prizes are transferable. Do you sell both, none, or one? Why?

3) Congrats! You win a TV (not a microwave, Joe). It is a huge HD flat screen. You notice ever time the channel is set to Center Ice, all of the dogs in the neighborhood (complex) start barking. If you must listen to barking dogs in the distance, is it worth having the crazy awesome TV?

4) Congrats! You win your choice of $30,000 OR season tickets in the 2nd section for the next 15 years. The tickets are NON-transferable (they ID you). What is your pick?




  1. 1) I might make a comment about that just to see what he says but nothing more.

    2) I'd trade the truck in for a Ford Tauros X and since my team has no back-up goalie right now, I'd trade in the tickets for the golf day.

    3) Sure.  Just turn the TV volume higher.

    4) Season tickets.

  2. 1. Sure, why not, I always liked Bill Clement so I'd ask him.

    2. Sell the Ford F-150, since I don't work in a field that requires for me to use a pickup truck, and even though I don't know how to golf, I'd love to golfing with Dominik Hasek.

    3. I can always call the pound on the wild animals, so yes! TV for me!

    4. Season tickets, been years since I been to an NHL game and this would be sweet!

  3. 1. nope; not too fond of him. is he a bad guy? no. but even if it IS Clement, i don't care. and i wouldn't comment on his resemblance. (feeling kinda philosophical today). if i was the 1st person to ever say it to him, he'd be perplexed at best. and then i'd have to describe this Clement guy, who is no big deal anyways. if i was the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or .... guy, then this look - alike would be annoyed.

    2. sell the 150 while it's worth something because of the price of gas. plus i have 2 kids under 24 months old. not gonna do me much good. i'd sell the golf thingy too. (see kids comment ... no time or $$ for golf.) maybe one day.

    3. yes, that is why there is a volume button and surround sound.

    4. (see kids comment). $30,000, but it's tempting.

  4. 1) In Canada, the Subway Club Card was dropped in 2006..............I would probably leave the card where it was and feel sorry for the poor sucker that picked it up after me.  As for Bill or Tom, Tom is much taller than Bill, I think I could tell the difference (and their voices are markedly different, yet familiar)

    2)  I keep them.  Lalime is a decent golfer too - he can show me a few tricks

    3)  I'm sure I can crank the volume over the dogs...........or else one of my Filipina neighbours will kill then for dinner

    4)  Tough call.  I don't need the money, and I don't pay for Hawks tickets now.

    Geez................why not ask me to buy the entire cabin my dear!

  5. 1. sure why not, cant miss out on opportunity

    2. sell the ford, i dont like those...i love golfing ill choose that one

    3. Sure if its a great picture

    4. Tickets, much greater value than $30,000

  6. 1)No it probably really is Clement after he got let go by Versus.Now if it was Bobby Taylor.Grrrrrrrr

    2)I sell the golf game with the back up.What the h**l am I going to talk with Antero Nittymaki aboot?

    3)YOU SEE!!!! If it was a microwave no dogs would bark!The reason the dogs are howling is because you were watching MTV(When they had videos)and singing along to Celine Dion,you and LITYS favorite singer.YEAH I said it!LOL

    4)I take the money.I don't want to go to EVERY game.You know how much is parking and gas nowadays?I'll take the money and make it to aboot 10 games a year.

  7. 1) Nah, I've seen the movie "Waiting..." lol

    2) I'd take and sell the F-150. I really have no use for a truck that's going to eat up gas for no reason. The Leafs currently have no back up goalie anyways. lol

    3) I'd just turn it down and close the curtains to solve that problem. lol

    4) Pffftt!! Did you really have to ask that? I'd take the season tickets!

  8. 1. I just look at his name tag, if he doesn't have the name tag, I don't ask.

    2. I keep it & go golfing with Fleury :)

    3. Yes, I just turn up the volume.

    4. Season tickets :)

  9. I don't bother.  Even when I recognize celebrity types I generally won't bother them, I figure they get it often enough.  I did speak to Craig Mctavish once as I was behind him in the coffee shop and he couldn't find his money.  After paying for his coffee I figured he owed me a couple of words.  Great guy.

    2) Sell the truck, gas is a 1.47 a litre here today.  Keep the golf

    3)  Yes, the volume must go up on this thing.  Either that or invite over my friend who hates dogs..........  

    4) take the tickets.  Got 30K for the truck.

  10. 1) I don't ask because I wouldn't want to talk to him anyway.

    2) I take the tickers for golf and golf with Chris Osgood, since he was the back up for most of the year. I sell the truck and buy something that gets about 30MPG. I have a truck already and could use some relief at the pump.

    3) I live in a rural area, the dogs around me all live a quarter mile away, they can bark all they want. Heck even the coyotes can join in and I wouldn't care.

    4) I take the money. I can't go to all the games anyway, so I would rather have the cash and watch the games on my new awesome, dog bark inducing, TV.

  11. 1.) I guess ask the name

    2.) I'm selling both.  I don't like American cars, I especially don't like Fords, and that car is going to kill the environment!!  I'd like to sell it and make $18,000.  :-D  And I don't like golf :-P

    3.) Yes.  I'd just tell the neighbors to shut their dogs up!

    4.) I'd have to say the $30,000.  I'm going to go to college soon (boo) so I can't make all the games.  :-(

  12. 1. I check his name tag. If it says "william" I press further. If it says "Tyshawn" I let it go.

    2. I keep both, provided I dont have to pay a world of tax on the truck. I'd go gofling with a guy named Jocelyn LMAO.

    3. My neighborhood is comprised ENTIRELY of barking dogs and screaming children, whats the diff?

    4. Tickets, in a heartbeat. Ill be broke the rest of my life, at least I wont be paying for my hockey tickets woot woot!

  13. 1. As mentioned the Subway Club Card has been discontinued in Canada. If it wasn't I would give it to my sister. She's a Subway fanatic.

    2. I sell the Ford, I can't drive yet and even if I could I would want an environmentally friendly car. The free golf day think I would probably give to my dad, he deserves a day off.

    3. Well there are no dogs where I live, I live in an area with a lot of brown families (including mine) and Indian parents are too mean to buy their kids a dog. If there were dogs in the area, I'd still keep the TV, I'd just tell the people in the neighbourhood to shut their dogs up.

    4. Season tickets, I've NEVER been to an NHL game.

  14. 1. Na celebrity means nothing to me

    2. Sell Both....i have a truck and dont play golf

    3. Yes its worth it....i have a winchester 30:30 for the dogs

    4. I'll take the tickets

  15. 1) Subway has a swipe card here now, like those club cards from the supermarkets. But if I found one of those with a free sub, I know it wouldn't be Clement, as most of those jobs here are filled by people of Hispanic descent. Maybe it's Crosby with his playoff Mexi-stash......

    2)Sell the truck, with gas at 4.40/gal. Play golf with Dublewiecz? Could be cool, but he's a UFA, so have to wait and see if he's still around.

    3)I'm taking that TV and jacking up the volume. Most games end by 10:15 my time, so they would shut up when I'm finished watching. If not, just throw 'em a few Milk-Bones.

    4)30,000 grand. No NHL team here anyway.  Gotta pay of the '06 Scion XB  I just bought and set up a college fund for my son.

  16. 1. Ask his name.

    2. Keep the truck. I hate golf, plus who cares about Manny Fernandez or whoever is gonna be the backup now, sell that.

    3. Keep the TV. Turn it up and drown the dogs out. A couple of my neighbors have called the cops on us because our dog was barking when we were out of town, so I have absolutely no problem calling the cops on them, and besides there dogs are always barking anyways. Matter of fact I can hear em barking now.

    4. Season tickets no question.

  17. i would read his name tag lol

    oh gosh no! i would keep them all! i love josh harding and would love to golf with him! and drive around in my new ford!!

    ha yesss!!!! tv rocks and i will just go put muzzles on all the pups!!

    ah! the tiks of course!!

    wow! i had a very lucky day today...a tv a ford subwat and now tickets!!!


  18. 1) I might ask.  I am not good remembering faces.  Of course, I would have a Wings T shirt on, so that might be a conversation starter . ..

    2) I suck at golf, but I improve with beer (and if I don't, I don't care!)  I'd sell the truck, though.  I want the moolah.  

    3) Yep.  As long as mine don't join in.  

    4) $30,000.  The tickets would be awesome, but I'm three hours away from the Joe.

  19. 1.) nah

    2.) keep the golf day but gas is too high now to own a pick-up truck

    3.) sure why not?

    4.) ticks

  20. 1) i would comment on the resemblance. if he doesnt watch hockey, well, its okay. i have made a fool of myself many times before :P

    2) since i'm getting my driver's Licence soon, i would keep the Ford. I loove Trucks!!

    Raycroft is not with us anymore so....i guess i would sell that one.

    3) yess!! i have a basement and honestly, you bearly hear anything from the outside down there.

    4)  Season tickets!! that good of a deal is hard to resist.

    if only these were real situations....

  21. 1. no, only because im to shy

    2. sell the golf day. i dont like patrick lalime and plus i shot a 70 today (on 9 holes)

    3.  yes, i have three dogs, im used to it

    4. i already got tickets, what do you mean by 2nd section?

  22. 1.)say " So Bill is this cause Melrose went to Tampa bay, and does ESPN own subway too"

    2.) I'll take the truck, Kevin Weeks can hang with tiger on the green. J.o's all about the other know that Homes.

    3.)CRANK IT UP.....That TV+ my surround sound=no dogs.

    4.)Go for the tix. Seats average $150 x (aboot for Joe) 40 home games=close to $6G's a year.Over 15 years $90,000 and that's if it's only one seat.

  23. 1)I would mention the resemblance. The answer I would probably get is "Who is that?" Unless Bill is really hard up for cash.

    2)Keep the truck ( I need a new car) And Use the golf to raise money for charity

    3)Sure. I can tune the dogs out. But the doggies are probably cheering for their favorite team. Dogs have taste to like hockey.

    4)The cash. I can get tickets any time I want then.

  24. 1. What are the odds? Nah.

    2. Sell truck, use cash to buy a sweet car. I suppose I would like to golf with any pro hockey player, so keep that.

    3. I have paintball guns, dogs make good target practice. ;D

    4. 30k. I don't live close enough to Pittsburgh to use season tickets, and I don't want them to any other team.

  25. 1. I ask his name. Who could it hurt?

    2. None. I'll take the Ford F-150. Plus...........Does anyone here honestly think I'll pass on tickets to go golfing with Ty Conklin? h**l no. Ty is my boy.

    3. Well......I already have a huge HD flat screen tv and Center Ice. No dogs barking ever. ;)

    ........Eh, sure. I'll jist shut all the windows so the dog barking is muffled.

    4. The $30,000 because then I could just buy tickets whenever I wanted.

  26. 1. Sorry the Subway Club card has been discontinued along time ago. I don't make a big deal about how others look. Although I continue to get Phones numbers from guys here at Y/A who are dumb enough to think that I'm the hot girl in this picture. If I looked this good, I'd never leave the house!!!!

    2. I keep all except I switch the goalie for a day with Patrick Roy,. I want to see if he can hit a golf ball as hard as he hits his own wife.  LOL

    3. Yes but I think the dogs are barking at something that isn't white moving around.  LOL thats just wrong!!

    4. 30,000, since I can buy the cheapest season seats at a discount for 15 years and turn then around sell them to others at full value making double my profit in 7 years or so. Plus still get to see the game I want to see and in some cases where I can seek on down during the game to the best seats of in the house.

  27. hi my name is spencer

  28. 1) I'll ask his name

    2)BOTH! I will need a car in the future and going golfing with Raycroft could be pretty cool!

    3) yes! who cares about the dogs. i have two dogs next door and there usually always barking so im used to it!

    4) wow this is a hard one. I'll take the tickets!

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