
Could you donate bone marrow?

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I have heard of the sad death of a campaigner, Adrian Sudbury for people to sign up to the bone marrow register. He had leukemia, but spent the last months of his life campaigning for education in schools. He got the government to introduce a talk to every sixth form about donation. Apart from this he was a wonderful, funny, inspiring man, whom i heard a number of times on Radio 5.

His blog details are below and the link to the blood transfusion service that organises the register.




  1. i person i know got saved by a bone marrow transplant recently so i was thinking about doing it but i am only 16 so would i be allowed?  

  2. I would 100% do it! No question about it! I am already registered.

  3. I am a leukemia patient and am alive today thanks to someone's generous donation.

    THe problem is that most people are completly uneducated about whats involved.  Like the person who said they wouldnt go through surgery.  Most of the time today, they dont even use actual marrow, they use peripheral blood stem cells that are taken by aphersis, the same process as if you were to sell plasma or even some red cross doantions.  

    Or the person who said they couldnt because they were an ex smoker.  In the US atleast, being a smoker does not prevent you from donating.

  4. I cannot give Bone Marrow, as I am an ex-smoker.

  5. my best friends older brother died of leukaemia when he was two and she was only 3 months

    if i had the chance i would donate blood and/or bone marrow if i knew it would help save someones life and stop the suffering of their family

  6. I donate blood, I don't think I could undergo the risk of surgery for someone that I did not know though, i'm sorry I have thought about it though, hope it's not selfish


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