
Could you eat a gold fish? i mean if itwere cooked, well this mornig i found a dead one in my fish tank,

by  |  earlier

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so waste not want not and i fried him up with some hash browns , he was quite delicious and will now be a part of me forever.




  1. Of course you can eat goldfish. However i would not recommend eating one you've found dead.  

  2. They need not be cooked to be edible.

  3. WHAT!!! How exactly did it taste like? Like, chicken or something?

  4. that iss gross !!!!!!

    hes not gonnna be a partt of you forever you'll p**p him out !!


  5. I have also thought about this, and yes apparently you can, its just protien and fish guts. A mans gotta eat!

  6. No i couldn't you ate it?? did i taste good??  how in the world is a little gold fish going to have that much flavor anyway???

    If your a happy person then, I am Happy for you.

  7. well, i guess you could. XD

    i wouldnt...(vegetarian) but whatever floats your boat.

    lol bad pun..cause it was a dead

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