
Could you emmigrate?

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could you live knowing that your family is thousands of miles away?




  1. oh yes easily,the only thing keeping me here(UK) is my daughter,and my granddaughter.

  2. yes no problem i would just nip home for holidays

  3. i have

  4. yes i already have, i'm from new zealand.t i havent seen my mum for 8 years and i'm her only child.

    its tough but she understands i had to follow my dream to live all over the world and study over here. you have to answer the calls of your own heart and your own dreams even if it means being separated from the ones you love. i'll be going back regularly when i'm working in my chosen field and can afford to

  5. yes I could and I did

    these days its easy to hop on a plane.

  6. Hmm very good question about emigrating, but my family didn't come top of the list as reasons not to.

    I was more concerned with the lack of knowledge about a country in terms of its economy, opportunities, health & welfare, culture, y'know all that stuff that we know so well and take for granted in the country we grew up in.  Even though it may not be up to scratch at least I know how the system works here.

  7. yes quite easily as my immediate family would come too

  8. No never, it would be too weird. I could deal with having a second home though!!

  9. I did it.  I now live in Colorado USA and was brought up in Eccles Manchester.

    It is difficult having mum so far away and I get to see her once evry three years.  The main thing that helps me is both of my brothers still live close to her and she Is happy that I am happy with my life, even though I know she misses me.

  10. I think I could; especially if it was Barbados!! I have been there on several occasions and it is "heaven on earth".  I would miss my family very much but my kids are grown up and they could come and visit, along with my beloved granddaughters x3.  I just hate the 6 months that constitute the British winter and dark nights and gloom.

  11. I have. It's great to only see your parents a couple of times a year when they're on holiday and on their best behaviour!

  12. h**l yeah i am moving to california and leaving all my family in scotland every last one of them oh and my grandparents in ireland lol i love my family but i have a phone

  13. No, i love where i live, id get homesick.
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