
Could you explain how does a gun works?

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let's say a shot gun.




  1. A basic gun has these parts: chamber + breech lock, barrel, striker (firing pin) and trigger.

    A cartridge (for example, a shotshell) has a case, primer, charge (gunpowder), wadding (in a shotshell), and load (pellets or slug in a shotshell.)

    The cartridge is loaded into chamber and held in place (sealed) with the breech lock. To fire, this sequence of events happens:

    * trigger releases a hammer

    * hammer strikes the firing pin

    * firing pin strikes the the primer, igniting it

    * ignited primer ignites the charge

    * charge burns rapidly, building pressure behind the wadding

    * wadding and load are propelled down the barrel by expanding gases

    Rifles and pistols work the same way, except a solid bullet is used which makes its own seal against the barrel (no wadding). These also have "rifling" - twisted grooves in the barrel to make the bullet spin. This makes them more accurate than a shotgun or a smoothbore rifle.

  2. a mechanical device to launch a projectile.

    the most common form is a barrel that guides and accelerates an

    object (usually a bullet),pellet,bb,dart,arrow etc.

    the acceleration comes from compressed air/gas (CO2,explosives)

    applied to the breach end of the barrel,and pushes the projectile

    toward the muzzle end at high velocity.

  3. A small amount of explosive explodes behind the bullet. The bullet has only one way to go, down the barrel. The rapidly expanding gasses push the bullet down the barrel with ever increasing velocity.


  4. hope this helps

  5. what kind a shot gun hand gun

  6. a shotgun is simply a tube sealed at one end known as the barrel it is about 2 ft long. Into the barrel  a shotgun cartridge is placed at the sealed end it is about 3 inches long . The cartridge contains an amount of gunpowder, an amount of lead pellets (shot) and a seal to hold everything in. When the trigger is pulled a pin moves forward quickly striking the back of the cartridge this ignites the gunpowder and as it burns it heats up producing a rapidly expanding gas that pushes the lead shot forward and out of the end of the barrel at high speed. Think of a dart in a blowpipe as used by south american tribesmen.  

  7. The basic requirements of a modern gun are a primer containing a chemical that will explode if struck, a gun powder that will burn very rapidly giving off lots of gas, but not explode in ordinary handling, and a device to strike the primer. In the extreme (a Zip gun) this can be a nail driven by a rubber band.

    The bullet is confined in a tube so the expanding gas drives it out of the tube at high velocity.

    In a shot gun, the "bullet" is a thick paper wad behind a bunch of shot pellets all confined in a paper tube with a metal base to hold the primer, seal the bottom of the tube and withstand the initial highest force, plus have a rim so the extractor works to pull out the spent shell.

      If you go back far enough, a "gun" consists of a hole drilled in a chunk or brass or iron, down which you stuff powder, then wadding, the bullet.  A small side tube near the base of the hole is filled with fine fast burning powder, which lights easily from a slow wick or flint sparks and ignites the cruder powder in the tube and blasts the bullet out. Muzzle loader.

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