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Aside from the identities of the philosophers shown, many aspects of the fresco have been interpreted, but few such interpretations are generally accepted among scholars. The popular idea that the rhetorical gestures of Plato and Aristotle are kinds of pointing (to the heavens, and down to earth) is a likely reading. However Plato’s Timaeus--which is the book Raphael places in his hand--was a sophisticated treatment of space, time and change, including the Earth, which guided mathematical sciences for over a millennium. Aristotle, with his four elements theory, held that all change on Earth was owing to the motions of the heavens. In the painting Aristotle carries his Ethics, which he denied could be a scientific study.




  1. Raphael painted this famous painting, but the only thing scholars actually agree on about it are who are the figures in the picture:  Plato and Aristotle.  Their postures appear to be pointing to the heavens and to earth, but even on this not everyone agrees.  Plato wrote a book called Timaeus, which Raphael painted him holding, and Aristotle wrote one called Ethics, which Raphael painted him holding.  Plato's book was important in mathematical sciences for a very long time, while Aristotle denied that his book had anything to do with mathematical sciences at all.

  2. thusly the sons of the Templar's lives to give the scholars their own fulfillment of life. by expertly sharing a little at time and especially during a moment in history where the mark is seen and the time is only waiting patiently for another king to crown and sibling to disappear.

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