
Could you forgive your husband or boyfriend if he took advantage of you whilst you were drunk?

by  |  earlier

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I can't. I'm trying really hard. I know I should not have gotten so drunk to the point of being unable to stop it but I know I said no more than once....




  1. first, he is your husband, and that is that...

    was he drinking too, or only you? he was drinking too, how do you really know you said, no, and not just thought it,

    or if you did say no, was it no in a serious tone,

    or none,slurring stop, giggling no,

    have you ever told your husband no before, and still agreed to have intercourse

    was your husband like a jerk and said, shut up, and did it any ways?

    Be thankfull it was your husband, and not anyone else.

    But if you are having that difficult of a problem divorce him,  

  2. What you are describing happens in 95% of marriages around the country. h**l, most women get drunk with the hope that their husbands will be man enough to take advantage of them.


  4. Alcohol ruins lives.  Now you know that you can't trust yourself when you're drinking, especially if he is drinking too.  What you can do with this sad experience is to learn your lesson: You can't drink responsibly.

  5. I'm married and have kids, nad I would forgive him for the sole fact that people with alcohol in them are magnified people. now if I weren't married, then no I wouldn't forgive that person, but I don't know... if I was in the mood I wouldn't consider how much my husband had to drink... and vice versa.

    but me and my hubby have rules. we drink together, we stop eachother before we get blitzed, and we always wake up the next day with a smile.

    it may take a while for you to feel comfortable again. FORGIVE, but don't forget. next time, opt for just one shot of whiskey.

  6. Drunk or not, you said no, and if had s*x with you, that's rape and you should report it.  NOW.  

  7. I feel for you i was in the same situation a few years back, we were both drinking, but me being more drunk, it really shock me up because he was always considerate etc I did forgive him, it took time to build up your s*x life. he was highly remorse full and disgusted with himself  and i did truly believe him.

    It makes it a lot different situation when you are drunk, it is a big decision you have to make. If you do get back with him just take it slow and cut down the drink. Hope all goes well

  8. If you said no then it's a rape. Yeah, it's a harsh word to use for a person you love but s*x against your will is rape. No, I would definitely not forgive. I tell my partner he can do whatever he wants with me while I'm out of it (rarely though, I like my s*x ) but I trust him my life so it's different.

    Why did he feel the need to take advantage of you against your will when you are married? wow, I don't get it, he supposed to take care of you.

  9. Ah the joys of being drunk and stupid!  If that is the case you were the cops or drop it..........

  10. This is going to be a big problem, you both need to go for counseling, you will never get over being raped by your husband. If you cant trust him when your drunk what does he do if your not around?

  11. Forgiving is easy, forgetting is hard.

  12. Im sorry, call me crazy but i love when my man takes advantage of me whilst im drunk lol. And i LOVE taking advantage of him when he is drunk. things get pretty wild haha.

    I dunno though, im a very sexual person so.. who knows.

  13. You shouldn't have to try hard at all. I have an answer for you here: NO! Whether or not you were irresponsible to get drunk, you should be able to trust the one you're with to care about you, protect you, and NOT take advantage of you. If you said no, then that's rape. It's your choice whether you want to report it or not, but you definitely shouldn't be forgiving him for violating you like that--it's one of the most selfish, uncaring, and awful things someone can do to a woman or girl--especially one they're supposed to love. Don't hold yourself responsible--we as females shouldn't have to feel guilty about having a good time and cutting loose a little--it's not YOUR fault that some males will take advantage of any opportunity, and you shouldn't have to constantly be on your guard. Still, I advise you to avoid getting drunk in situations where this or other negative experiences may occur from now on. So sorry to hear this happened to you. I wish all the best for you!


  14. had you ever been with your husband or boyfriend before? How old are you?  That would make a difference.

    Edit: Now that I know these things I can give you my opinion.

    If he is normally a good person and he was drinking as well I would forgive him. Men have weaknesses, urges he may not have thought you were serious. When I  have gotten drunk I was  loopy and it's hard to express what you want to. Was your no a NO!!! or a slurred no honey I'm tired. Did he hold you down and shove it in you or were you to drunk to move? Don't get so drunk you can't fight back and take some of the responsability for this. He is your husband, you chose to marry him.

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