
Could you get a speeding ticket for riding a bmx bike to fast?

by  |  earlier

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i hit over 50 mph earlier....i was just wondering...i have a 20 inch mongoose, i stole my friends back rim for a lil bit and wanted to see something and hit over 50 mph...the speed limit was 35...could i get a ticket for riding to fast?




  1. The law applies to any vehicle and doesn't necessary specify only ones with an engine.

  2. yes you can

  3. Yeah, I was doing 78 mph (per the radar gun) on my bmx and got a ticket for speeding last year.

  4. Yes, you can get a ticket.  

    But your story is B.S. unless you were on some serious downhill with gravity doing the work.   You simply don't have enough gear on a BMX bike.  You can't spin the cranks that fast.  

    Either you misread the display, or there was another vehicle in the vicinity triggering it.

  5. OK, not pulling the BS card on this one, but come on . . . 78!!!  There is this little race over in France going on right now and those PROS don't go that fast down the side of a 9000 ft mountain.

    But yes, if you go past the speed limit, you will get a ticket.  Tell your story to the judge and he will find it somewhat amusing like all readers of your post have I'm sure.

  6. Yeah. I've seen people get tickets on Roadie bycyles for going 25 in a 20 zone, lol, so different vehicles still applie.

  7. I tried it on my road bike, every ride I went on I was on the lookout for hills where I could get upto speed to do it....never actually managed it though, speed limit always seemed to be 50 or 60 on every decent place to attempt it

  8. Yes, A bicycle is considered a vehicle and if you are capable of going the posted speed limit, then it applies to you. I received a ticket going down a hill 11 years ago. The posted speed was 35 mph and I was clocked at 44 mph on my road bike. It sucks but it happens.

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