
Could you give examples of ethical egoism.?

by Guest66897  |  earlier

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Please post anything that comes to your mind. Example of ethical egoism its benefits to the society and positive oucomes




  1. if you look at it in an economical sense, individuals attempt to maximise their utility and make the most of the resources they have available, examples include:

    a person starting up a bakery in a town where there is none. The individual See's an opportunity to make profit, by selling bread, in a town with no, or very little competition. In effect he has captured the market and is able to make a lot of money simply by pursuing his own self interest. The town however gains the resource of bread, and through his specialisation into one field he can produce the goods more efficiently than other members of society could if they were to make it for only themselves.

    Another example can be seen through the purchasing habits of individuals. As they aim to purchase the least expensive goods available, they increase a businesses cash flow and revenue, providing jobs within the society and allowing the business to purchase more products at even lower prices. An example of this is Woolworth's (in Australia) which has dominated the retail market, and are able to provide extremely low cost goods because they are able to undercut all competitor prices and provide society as a whole with cheap, quality goods.

  2. self defensive actions

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