
Could you give me an example of speech manuscript about global warming! I really need it!!?

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Could you give me an example of speech manuscript about global warming! I really need it!!?




  1. 7,000 years ago our Oceans were 500 feet lower.

    7,000 years ago there was a distinct lack of technology.

    35 years ago, some scientists were concerned about Global Cooling. They were considering covering the Polar Ice Caps with coal-ash, in an effort to melt them. 15 years,or so later, a scientist wrote a paper on Global Warming. Some "tree hugging" IDIOT thought(?) that would "sound as if he cared about the environment", if he supported that theory. Other environmentalist wackos jumped on the bandwagon too.

    After 20+/- years of this effort, X amount of millions, or billions of dollars have been thrown at this "problem", with no actual results. The facts are these: It's taken 7,000 years to raise the oceans 500 feet. Since the industrial age is relatively recent, logic would be, this phenomena is not the fault of mankind, but simply the natural process of our Planets' evolution. In other words, WE did not cause it. WE cannot stop it. WE can only monitor it, and attempt to adapt to it. But we also must realize that, like the dinosaurs, our time on Earth will end as well. Quit wasting money on trying to change something WE have NO control of!!!


  3. Watch this great video on global warming,  take notes and make your own speech.  

    You could just give a speech and cover just the solution.  Read about the "World's Cleanest Car" that runs on compressed air.

    " BBC News is reporting that a French company has developed a pollution-free car which runs on compressed air. India's Tata Motors has the car under production and it may be on sale in Europe and India by the end of the year.

    The air car, also known as the Mini-CAT or City Cat, can be refueled in minutes from an air compressor at specially equipped gas stations and can go 200 km on a 1.5 euro fill-up -- roughly 125 miles for $3. The top speed will be almost 70 mph and the cost of the vehicle as low as $7000."

  4. There are several at the link below.


    Global Warming: How Much of a Threat?”

    April 19, 2006

    Click here for a speech manuscript

    or here

    On April 19th Lindenwood University hosted the 12th seminar in the Economic Policy Lecture Series featuring Dr. Roy W. Spencer. Dr. Spencer is a principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and is an expert in studying climate and weather...

  6. a what?

  7. Why does Algore say there is a "consensus" about global warming when there actually lots of scientists that don't agree with him?? Start with that...

  8. "Global warming, a warming of the globe?, or a globe of warming?"....  Think about it.

  9. I guess you should first ask whether you would still want to live here on Earth. Why? Because Global warming is very deadly and it could be the reason of the end of days. Do you know what causes such phenomena? I knew it before when we were discussing about Algore's "The Inconvinient Truth". But I forgot it already. Search it on Yahoo. Just key in: The Inconvinient Truth

  10. Not a good solution buddy! that's something called plagiarism.

    You take someone else's work or ideas and take credit of them and making it your work!

    That is illegal in most states and can get you expelled from ANY university/College in USA and Canada. In high school they just fail you.

  11. do your homework!

  12. Aliens Cause Global Warming

    A lecture by Michael Crichton Caltech Michelin Lecture January 17, 2003

    Don't let the 'Title' fool you.

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