
Could you give me your input please?

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My bf broke up with me earlier this year. I have been trying to move on, but I keep seeing these "signs" everywhere. There have been at least a few each week...and these are weird things, not common. For instance, on live television someone randomly said his first name (which isn't common) by mistake and got embarrassed just as I was passing by. He had been on my mind that day. Strange things like that all the time...but do you think they mean anything? I've gone out with other guys since him, but no one makes me feel like he does...what's the meaning in all of this?




  1. Call him up.  He could feel the same way.  If not then try to move on.

  2. I would just let it go and move on,  a rule of thumb I have learned..

    it is going to take half the time you went out together to get over him,

    if you dated a year, it will take 6 months to get him completely out of your system...and forget him...

    if you know you are better off with out him in your life, don't contact him. You will get over him, it justs takes time.

  3. You probably still like him and your mind is focusing on things that remind you of him, just take a breather, forget about him for a while, then go see if you two should still be together


    maybe there are still somethings left unsaid and your consence is pressuring you to solve such problems!

    I hope this solves your problem and answers your question,

  4. Sometimes things like that have meanings, you can always give him a call and ask him to go for a casual coffee. Just to see how is doing, no pressure, but friendly and genuine.

    Good luck

  5. Lets face several facts, First off you miss him and you are bound to hear his name being mention even if things did not happen that way... Now It is obvious that you are still hurting.... And you will have to own up to that fact before you can really move on with your life... And remember that there is no shame in feeling the way that you do just remember not to compound your mistakes by making the same choice all over again............

  6. well is he dating anyone else?

    You're longing for him. You want to be with him. If he's single, ask him if he'll take another chance

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