
Could you go without food for a day?

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  1.'s good to do sometimes...but not when you are busy....when you can just relax and have fun and sleep whenever you want to.

  2. Plenty of religious people go without food for a day while they are fasting!

  3. absolutely, it's not really hard to do it... I've done three days without eating and it's still okay but why deprive yourself of food when you don't really have to?

  4. I have in the past, and will in the future for religious purposes.

  5. I have gone foodless for a day when I have been ill so it is easy for me.

  6. Only if i really had to, but i hate the noises your stomach makes when it is hungary plus it is embarassing. It makes me feel ill and run down if i am very hungary, i feel up with air :(

  7. no that hurts your body!

  8. I could go without food for a day if I really set my mind to it.

    I would drink a lot though...

  9. not if i know i can get it no - ive tried fasting and i get bad migraines!!


  11. Yes. You could go without food for up to 3 weeks. But you would get very hungry and your body would start to break down your muscles to feed itself.

  12. I could, yes. But some people might not be able to, like diabetics who have to keep their blood sugar at a certain level. It really depends on the person and their health. But I have gone a day without food, not because I had to, but  because I wanted to.

  13. Yes but you should drink water and if longer than a couple of days something with sodiam/salt in it.

  14. yes

    if i was doing it for a good cause, no probs,.

    But if i was on a diet well thats another

  15. According to google search it says you can go without food for a week, but only 3 days without water, old sport.


  16. I went for 16 hours when fasting, pretty sure I could have gone another 8 for the sake of Allah

  17. No. My medications would play havoc with my stomach.

  18. I have never tried fasting and I am a religious person. I could probably do it , just drink plenty of water all day and night to fill you up. A lady at my church fasted for one day just to lose weight and get rid of unwanted toxins.She lost about 10 lbs.I told her I didn't know if I could do that or not. She said you would be surprised at what you can do. I just may have to try it someday.

  19. yeah, i think the record is a      going like 18 days withoutfood water, but that is rare haha. umm yeah yuo can go like i think 3 days with out food or somehting like that

  20. I have done that before, but it didn't feel so well.

  21. Yes no problem

  22. yes i could, i would be hungry - but defenatly es i could go for a day with out food

  23. Yes.  Ever hear of fasting?  People can go for like a month without food.  Ten days without water.

  24. nah! well u can but youll probably get sick!

  25. h**l yeah I used to be be anorexic! It was a normal everyday occurance.Sorry to be graphic!

  26. The other day I had to do this for a colonscopy....the fact i had to go without food was worse than the procedure haha!

  27. you can go without food for a week, but only 3 days without water.

  28. yes but would rather not

  29. Unfortunately people all over the world go without food for a day or longer.  Sometimes they go so long they die.  Are you asking do you have the will power to without food for the day?

  30. yes, i've done that before. it's easy.

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