
Could you handle it.(please read)?

by  |  earlier

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I am moving in 3 months. I am not going to have internet, cable, cell phone, I am not allowed to go out, except to work, the shooting range, biking, or to get groceries/supplies. I will not be associating with any friends or family. I eat a very healthy diet( no junk food whatsoever),no alcohol, no smoking, no drugs, I am also completely celibate(no kissing, hugging, s*x, masturbation etc...) The only things I will be allowed to do for "fun" will be listen to music, read, go to the shooting range and workout/exercise. I am choosing to do this for 1 year. I am wondering if it will actually drive me crazy, which if you know me, isn't going to take much. Do you think you can do this?




  1. Is this YOUR choice?  I mean, have YOU decided to eliminate these things from your life?

    Why all the evil things EXCEPT shooting?  I don't understand why firing a gun for fun is okay, when you can't do any of these other things?  

    Just curious what prompts such an unusual combination of abstentions.

  2. lol no i dont think i can do that for a year

  3. I think I could do it.  You just have to be content with yourself.  Good luck I'm sure it'll be hard at first but keep a strong mind.  

  4. I'm not really understanding your question.  Are you being forced to do this and why are you going to a shooting range? What is it that you have joined to do for a year.  If you can't handle this then why bother to go?

  5. You might go crazy for lack of communication with anyone. That's one of the basic human needs is social contact with other humans.  

  6. Absolutely.....NOT lol! Good luck with that!

  7. I am already doing what you are saying but I cannot live without my family, because they are everything in my life, by the way I am not listing to the music also,,,,

    But please answer to my question, why you are doing this to yourself? if your personality is not like that, and if you really want to do like you mentioned, why you are not doing step by step,,,,,I think is very hard to not do all of things in one time,,,,,

    But anyway best wishes

  8. i don't think i could do it personally.

    for you...what do you hope to accomplish by doing this? if it's just a feat to say you did it, it sounds like a bad idea in my opinion. and trust me, with no other outlets for diversions, you will be masturbating. it's kind of a default for 99.9% of the world's population.

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