My childbirth educator said that we could be getting Braxton Hicks without knowing about it. She said we may just assume that it's the baby moving, because sometimes fetal movement causes the contractions. However, I thought they were supposed to feel like a light cramp...? I do occasionally feel the baby move and then feel a hard spot (about the size of a baseball) right above my belly button, but I always assumed it was a baby part pushing out. Would Braxton Hicks be that localized or would it be spread out more? Would I feel it without feeling any cramping? I'm just curious because I had a nightmare that I went into labor, but it wasn't progressing, the baby wouldn't drop and I couldn't feel when I was having contractions. I KNOW that will not be the case in real labor, but it made me start thinking about whether or not I'm in tune with what's going on down there. :D