
Could you hear the sound of a wind chimes when there's no wind?

by  |  earlier

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This is not a logical question, and this is not illogical too. It was asked by my teacher in the class of logic (philosophy).




  1. It depends on the location of the wind chime. If the wind chime's in Arizona and the wind is in New York, then of course you can't hear it. But if both wind and wind chime is in Arizona, then you'd probably hear it.

  2. Yes.  Listening is sound interpretation of the brain (having sound waves vibrating the ear drum which signals the brain) where the mind recognizes and keep in memory.  In the absence of the physical sound that memory still retains because the mind have experienced it and learned what the sound of the wind chime sounds like.

  3. Yes.

    One of my neighbors who lives a few houses down has a wind chime on her porch.

    It is very nice with a large, well toned bell.

    Every time this one passes by her house on a walk, regardless of whether the wind is blowing or not, this wind chime / bell rings.

    In amazement, my neighbor pointed this out to this one and now other ones have also noticed this.

    The ringing of a bell calls this one home to the present moment and upon hearing the same, this one offers a prayer for the enlightenment of all beings throughout the universe.

    Perhaps the bell / wind chime is not actually ringing.

    Perhaps it is this one hope for the enlightenment of all that is ringing and the other ones are hearing such.


    One may hear the wind chime on a day when there is no wind, as the wind chime perhaps represents the soundless sound of the universe which calls us all to enlightenment.

    Be well.

  4. When man is in the condition of love his soul ascends to outer realms wherein he becomes privy to such celestial beauties as harmoniums, wind chimes and ethereal wonder.

  5. Wind - Chime.......again        Wind - Chime

    No wind

    No chime

    No chime

    No wind


  6. yes, the sound of wind chimes when there is no wind.

    one trick to koans is koan the answer back.

  7. No, because there is no sound produced until wind strikes them.

    Ah... I see what you professor was working towards... 'wind' is God.

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