
Could you help me about feeding my Goldfish???

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I read a book said that I have to feed it twice a day. Which I do....

But I dunno if I feed them enough or I feed them few. So can you gimme tips...thanks if you can :D




  1. I need to know what type of goldfish, if it is fancy only 1 or 2 flakes each

  2. maybe like 2 pinches of foood;;

    thats what i feed to my 20 guppies

  3. Only put enough food in the tank so that all the fish will have their fill within two to three minutes. Any longer than that and the food will sink to the bottom and will decompose, becoming bacteria.

    1 medium size black moore will probably eat a small pinch full of food. Maybe about 3 flakes.

    1 normal size ryukin will eat about the same as the black moore.

    The small fantails will eat about the same as the other two, so about three SMALL pinch fulls.

    Remember, just enough so that all the fish will have eaten most of, if not all of the food within two to three minutes.

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