
Could you help me break some bricks?

by  |  earlier

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I just need you to stand over there. Then I want you to run and throw yourself through a wall.

OK serious now. Why do ppl want to break bricks? What do you get out of it apart from a sore hand and an ego boost?




  1. Its called emo. Give me best answer plssssss

    i love you.  

  2. Breaking any object serves a few puposes.

    1. It teaches you to overcome fear. Even a simple board break can be scary the first time. That courage to fully commit is very much needed in martial arts.

    2. The training builds strong bones and good form. No one walks up and wails on a brick. They start on boards and build up. Gthey will do different conditioning exercises depending on style.

    3. Yes ego. Its fun and cool and some girls will like it and freinds will go wow.

    Hope that helps.

  3. people do it because over a very very prolonged period of time it can stregthen bones.

    however unless you have unlimited time to devote to it, then it is questionable as to whether the amount of time spent doing so, is efficent when you could be doing regular training to learn to develop more striking power.

    no doubt if we lived in the caves somewhere with nothing to do but train, then the benefit would be more apparant, but since most people have lives the time spent on this is not really worth its results.

    if you are making a career as a "breaking" exhibitionist then that is a different story, this becomes part of your "job" and is more efficient use of your time alloted to training.

  4. they break bricks to strengthen their arms and also to learn how to overcome great pain.

  5. if u r going to break bricks then u r going to need to do it with ur elbow and  

    find the right place to do it so it wont hurt

  6. people dont break bricks to develope their bones...the development comes well before breaking....breaking is the TEST.

    you over come your fear of hitting something hard (like a brick, or skull) ...most people are afraid of hurting their hand.

    you also have to have power to break a brick. or hurt someone with a punch.

    it's a test of skill, aim, focus, power, and conditioning.

  7. maybe they are builders lol

  8. people do it strengthen the parts of their body they use for forceful attacks and it is also a privilege and very traditional. and it's also to test your ki/internal most cases the theory is to have your ki flowing and then to channel/focus it through your hand or whatever you're using to break the brick or board.

  9. In my experience breaking boards and bricks has served two purposes; first a tool to develop depth control and second a yearly or bi-yearly class activity to bolster certainty of striking power. In the first case, one teacher I knew had the uncanny ability to choose which board out of a stack he would break. In the second I see it as a possibly important exercise for people who otherwise have a hard time believing they can exert that kind of explosive power, raising confidence and trust in the techniques they‘re learning.

    It’s certainly not a necessary thing to see in a class and there’s a lot of tomfoolery when it comes to breaking things; fake boards, wood cut on the grain, poorly made bricks etc.  Most modern bricks are reinforced so chopping at them with your hand wouldn‘t be wise.

    --BTW you only end up with sore hands when what you’re hitting doesn’t break.  

  10. Breaking bricks is just a strength conditioning strategy and to affirm one's strength conditioning.  Truth be told, you don't really need to break bricks to break a person's bone, because a person's bone really isn't as strong as a brick.  Unfortunately, breaking bricks is also the price of having a sore hand and an ego boost, because it shows.  It forces one to show to affirm oneself (and others).  

    In any case, breaking brick is not enough-- humans are movable beings and if the hit can't reach, then what good is breaking bricks?  

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