
Could you help me figure out the cause of death for my cat?

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The strangest thing happened today.

I left for work at 8 am. At this time i did my daily rituals in my room and bathroom, never was there anything out of the ordinary. I left for work and got back home at five.

My family had news for me that some how my cat had gotten into my shower or locked inside and had drowned or been exhausted from trying to get out so much that

there was nothing left in her and she died. While these seem like possible answers i still have a couple of un answered questions. My shower is an open close door shower

meaning there is no shower curtain or anything of that such. When i left there was no dripping or running water, and from what i can remember i didnt shut the door on my cat

because i dont remember shutting it period and i did take a shower the night before. My questions are if she did infact get in the shower and drowned.. could it be she jumped from

the small section in between the shower and the ceiling and fell and broke her neck? My only question is.. one she threw up before she died there is her food everywhere

and two her nose was bleeding, did she break her neck? Or was she trapped in their... some how jumped up and turned on the water and drowned her self and these are

common signs of death? I just need some closure. She was a very special cat and very close to be this would be wonderful if someone who had experience in this area

or just knew about it could help me

Thank you so much!




  1. Perhaps while your cat was sitting on the small section near the shower then fell off into the shower. In the struggle to stop her falling she caught the shampoo rack, causing damage to it, then took hold of the water tap, turning it on. Cats will jump up to anything that might seem to hold them. When she pulled down soap holder or the shampoo rack she may have had some bottles fall on her, knocking her out. While out she may have drowned in the rising water.

    My heart goes out to you for your most precious companion has died.

  2. AWW im so sry well you could take it to the doctor and have them do some test thig..

    They did it with my cat and i found out she died cuz she had eaten something bad:D

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. Maybe she didnt drown

  4. This is what it sounds like to me:

    Your cat was playing around in your bathroom and like most normal curious cats she somehow got trapped in the shower.

    She tried jumping out of the shower multiple times somehow hitting the faucet and turning it on. Of course, when the water came on she panicked even more and her struggle to escape became frenzied causing her to almost break your shower rack, etc.

    The panic turned into exhaustion from multiple attempts to escape and eventually she died of a heat stroke. The symptoms of heat stroke are: drooling, panting, vomiting, bloody nose, and extreme weakness. Usually coma or death follows if not treated promptly.

    This is simply my theory, I could be completely wrong. Regardless, I am very sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace.

  5. Sounds to me as if the cat had some sort of accident that caused the vomiting and blood and eventually her death such as a hard fall et... As the old saying goes "curiosity killed the cat"; they sure do get themselves in bad predicaments many times and this could have been one of them. I think something is fishy about the drowning theory if indeed you did not leave the water running.

  6. she might have slipped and fell and broke her neck which would have cause the blood coming out of her nose...but to tell you the truth about what i think...i think your family is covering up her death...i know you don't think that is possible but you never know and that's what it sounds like...try to think if anyone loathed or despised the cat or if you had angered one of them retaliation they might have killed your cat and lied about it after maybe feeling bad or just so you never know what they did...I'm so hoping that didn't happen but you might want to really sit them down and demand the truth and I'm pretty sure one of them will admit to it once they see how hurt you are about it

  7. how well do you trust your family?

    i am sorry to add more pain, but it sounds like a cover up to me.

    it is also possible they jumped to a wild conclusion, or maybe they know that he died a horrible death and where trying to protect you from the truth.

    if they found the cat having a seizure in the bathroom, they might have wanted to spare you the details and just turned the shower on.

    but, if you place a cat in a shower, he wil jump straight up the 8 feet to the ceiling and dig his claws into the ceiling. if he was trapped, he would have hung there until you came home.

    it is possible he jumped up onto the shower stall, jumped in, missed ,struck the faucet, turned on the water, broke his neck, had a seizure, vomited and died, but that is quite a complicated death.

    i would bring her to a vet. they should be able to do a simple exam to see if the neck is broken.

    i am very sorry for your loss.

    edit - i am very sorry to accuse the family but cats swim, very well. they just dont like to. and if you lock a cat in a sower and turn it on, it wont drown. it will scream and bounce off the walls and find a spot to get out of the water. you would have had a wet mad cat and a trashed shower when you got home, but the cat would live.

    edit - if it was me, if i ruled out the family, if i had that kind of water damage, i would have to believe the cat did the jump in . he may have not died jumping in, he may have landed on the faucet, turned the water on then trashed the place trying to get out. he could have hurt himself trying to get out, which killed him. the vomit could be from running around trying to get out.

    mine keep tripping a motion detector on my burglar alarm. not easy to do since it wont detect anything less then 2' high. my guess is they figured out if they run into the room and make a flying leap off the furniture and fly high across the room,they can trip the alarm.

    had another that would jump from the ground to an air conditioner, to the roof, to get into an open window. they do make spectacular leaps to get into things.

  8. sounds like murder!!!! how old was the cat? who else was in the house? did anyone have a problem with her?

    Poor thing! im so sorry to hear that!

  9. i think your cat missed a jump and broke her neck.

    i had a dog that was obsessed with hunting mice:he shook the mouse(rat) and that's how he broke their neck.the only thing i ever saw:mouse motionless,blood dripping from nose.the dog didnt care or play with it after(breaking the neck)

  10. I am terribly sorry to hear about your cat. I don't think she would've drowned herself because cats (most cats) are afraid of water or don't like water, and won't go anywhere near water. A bleeding nose signals internal bleeding somehow. I'd hate to point fingers, but did your family like the cat? While it's possible that she jumped over the shower door and broke her neck in the fall, it's very unlikely. I would guess that maybe your family directly or indirectly may have possibly killed her, or accidentally killed her and they thought it would be a good excuse to tell you that you may have locked her in the bathroom. Surely your family would have gone in the bathroom to do duties between 8-5.

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