
Could you help me for a minute/?

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I have very light skin.

Hazel eyes

Dark Brown Hair

What colour of eyeshadow should I use? I don't want to wear too much or for it to be like a punch in the face. Just something to bring out my eyes a bit.




  1. you should go with a gold or bronze eyeshadow.  it will bring out the undertone of your skin without being to dark. i would also reccomend using brown eyeliner and mascara because black may be to dark for your skin tone, :]

  2. peach, use this treo, use the pebble wash-

  3. I would suggest you look at your eyes very closely in a mirror to see what color your 'flecks' are...If you have gold flecks, look at the opposite on the color spectrum (purple) and try that.

    Go light and check it out in front of the mirror, then outdoors, and in other areas of your house...that way you won't leave the house you've been abused.

    Or go with a very neutral tan/biege color.


  4. try a little bit of sparkly silver or pale peach.

    don't try anything too dark if you have a fair complexion.

    perhaps you can also try a few shades of light brown.

    the point of eyeshadow is supposed to enhance how you look.

    try perhaps a bit of light peach over her entire lid, and hilight your crease with a darker peach or light brown. Brown eyeliner if you want to get a little darker without the problem of looking like you were punched in the eye.

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