
Could you imagine Kyle Busch wearing this same shirt under his firesuit?

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  1. He can't fill the shoes, much less the shirt. His bra wouldn't fit in there....LOL!!!

  2. If he did wear a shirt like that, everybody else should wear one that says,  "YEAH, HE'S GOOD, BUT I'M BETTER!"  Now that would be funny.

    Go Jr.>>>>

  3. OMG! roflmfao thats hilarious. And yep I could see it. I could also see him purposely leaving the front of his firesuit unzipped before the race to make sure everyone saw it lol.

  4. At this point he could..................."It ain't bragging if you can back it up!!!"

    Hats off to him...............................

  5. Nothing against Kyle but he couldn't pull it off.  Senior was THE man.

    I have that picture of Senior as my screensaver at home.  Makes me smile every time I see it.

    >>Senior wore it and if anyone said anything he would beat their azz, Kyle would cry to NASCAR about them being mean to him.  Senior was the "Intimidator" for a reason he backed up everything he said and did.  Kyle cries.  Kyle is an extremely talented driver I would never try to deny that, it's obvious.  But will never, ever have the respect that Sr. had.  Sorry.

    >>>Your forgetting the biggest difference between them, Senior was cocky and aggressive BUT he took responsibility for his actions & he retaliated any way he saw fit and took 100% of the blame for it, he never whined or cried to NASCAR.  He stood up for himself and that gained him the respect he still has today.

  6. he could wear whatever he wants.....just as long as he doens't get more than 12 wins!!

  7. you mean the same way johnson won all those races last year and smoke a couple years back

    in MY OPINION nascar is letting busch and the other toyota cars have more horsepower than the chevys and fords

  8. LOL that's priceless! Could you imagine how the fans would react to that?! We'd never see the end of that race probably not even a lap into it, there would be so much trash on the track they'd have to call the race. I agree with Steffy to an extent, Kyle does cry a lot but I see him growing out of that more and more each year and getting better dealing with the people. If he keeps it up I can see him one day having just as much respect as a Dale Sr. or a Tony Stewart.

  9. no kyle is nothing like Sr. kyle sucks he just get better engines from Toyota and is a jackass because he wrecks everybody and blames it on some one els or says it's just racing and its true if he wore that they wouldent be able to race because of trash

  10. Perhaps after he wins a championship or two...

  11. I love Sr. always will.  And with all of Kyle's c*o*c*k*i*n*e*s*s he still couldn't hold a candle to Dale Sr. and his.  

    Unless of course Kyle wore a shirt that said "H*ELL  I'M BETTER"

  12. Now that's funny I don't care who you are.

  13. I dout it because Kyle is not as cocky or aggressive as dale sr used to be. That is why Kyle is better imo. He dont wreck everybody to win like dale sr did a lot. But funny shirt since people seem to say that Dale sr. wasnt cocky or anything when he really was. i guess they just started watching Nascar though.

  14. No Dale Jr. would be wearing!

    Kyle would say....d**n I'M LUCKY!

    Go Jr. # 88

  15. Please. Any day. It wont be long before he is as cocky as Earnhardt was. He is cocky like Sr., but I have a feeling, in a few years, people will love, admire, and respect Kyle Busch like they did Dale Sr.

       Going back to the shirt, we will see a different one but just as cocky.

  16. his shirt would say i'm lucky

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