
Could you improve your thinking capabilities without realizing them?

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Could you improve your thinking capabilities without realizing them?




  1. I have a brain injury and this is something I must do daily, just as other people exercise to lose weight I must keep my brain exercised, do a cognitive challenging task daily.  Finding your way through a complicated part of town, putting together a complex piece of furniture, do a crossword puzzle, or sudoku that comes in the paper.  Read a book. Just as being sedentary watching TV is bad for your waistline, it is just as bad for your mind.  

  2. yeah! The first time I was slapped by a girl, knew that I didn't care for it.  I never thought about not liking it but I knew to duck the next time.  Man, stalking is waaaaaay more difficult than TV portrays.

  3. yes,even if you read a little bit everyday it could help

  4. I don't understand your question to be quite honest - from when I was 1 month old until I was 2 months old, my thinking capabilities were improved - but 'realizing' them could have several meanings. I was not aware of the process (I didn't realise I had thinking abilities). The other meaning of 'realize' would be to give reality to something. By meditating I can try to inhibit my thinking and relax and improve my mental status so that after the act, my thinking is not hindered - so in this way improvement is realized too.

    If you're asking whether you must be aware of a 'thinking capabiltiy' then the question becomes rather stupid. My students have no idea about their 'thinking capabilities' and yet I help them to find new ways to solve problems, or simply ignore them and not see them as problems, and what for them seems a rather simple and boring process of going through the motions every day is something their families notice to a far greater extent.

    It would be hard to think how I could do the opposite of improving my thinking capabilities in any way - please help me with an easier question next time.

  5. It depends what is meant by "thinking abilities".

    Suppose for instance they are improved upon by artificial means say an education chip implant.

    That would not be realizing the individuals potential for "thinking capabilities" but it would be an improvement.

    But this "thinking capabilities" is a point of confusion for me.

    what do you mean by that exactly?

  6. When the improvement is in small increments, yes.  This is the phenomenon.  We improve thinking ability without realizing it, until we engage in historical narrative to see it.

  7. Without realising yes. Peoples abilities to develop doesnt require that they are aware of it.

    although it seems people realise that the way thier thinking and thus the way they act has developed in particular way more so under negative circumstances - the idea of waking up one day to find you had become {insert idea here].

    I suppose also those that practices various things out of fun may not notice it is developing thier thinking (however it may be quite sepcialised to that task and of little benefit elsewhere).

  8. First your star.  That I can improve my thinking capabilities, is not in dispute.  From day to day and from the time of day to the next, it varies. Good, better, best.  But the realization of the thinking make me scared. Just the thought, of what I thought (say negative) will immediately realize, before I can add or follow up onto 'that' thought. It might boil down that everybody is a murderer.... They thought: " I wish X was dead."


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