heres my dream:
well, it started out where i was at my friends house, but it didnt look like his house. it kind of looked like dark, ancient ruins i guess. then i was somehow walking on a side walk in front of a beach with a different friend. then, some body i aparently new in my dream (i think he was a butcher or a vendor or something) told me that this girl from my skool had commited suicide. then we walk onto a dock and and some foreighn guys were unloading fish from a boat, and at the end of the dock, there was a body. instead of looking like the girl that killed her self, it looked like a creepy doll thing with a powder white face and black rings around her eyes and blood on her cheeks. it seems like it would be scary, but for some reason, it wasnt. then, i went to my home which was on the beach (not in real life) and my sister was on the fone with someone and she said "im talking to tara right now. (the girl who commited suicide) it turns out she didnt commite suicide it was