
Could you live on just water/ dilute pop?

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Alsoo does it make you loose weight ? :S





  1. It has been medically proven that you do NOT need food.  Water alone will keep you alive.

  2. No. If water is the only thing you consume you'll end up dying in about two weeks, a very painful and agonizing way to perish. Sure, you'll loose weight because your body will start to consume its own muscles for energy.

    If your goal is to loose weight, there are easier and healthier ways to accomplish this. For one, cut back on or eliminate all processed foods and meat from your diet.

  3. no u need ur carbohydrates,fats,proteins nutrients and all that just cut down on the fats and you should lose weight.

  4. Living on nothing but water or even dilute pop can be dangerous. Living on just one particular thing of anything can be dangerous.

    You need a balanced diet to stay healthy

    Stick to a healthy diet, yes do drink water, but don't stop yourself from eating anything else or you'll make yourself very ill

  5. No. You need food for fuel and nutrition.

    If you mean if you can live off of only driking water but still eat like normal then yes.

    Now, keep in mind that fasting does mean that you live on only water. However most fasting is done in 3 days or a week. It is also done on a 40 day increment but never any longer. That long of a fast and people do loose quite a bit of weight. A fast of 3 or 7 days can also get you to loose weight.

  6. Absolutely not, unless you have a death wish. The human body need many nutrients that only can come from food, the lack of them will make you very sick and if sustained for long even kill you.

  7. noooo..

    ull be a loolipop head like many gals out ther

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