
Could you love someone poor and illiterate?

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A friend of mine asked me this question the other day, and I said yes, that I could love someone poor, but to be perfectly honest, I would have trouble loving someone uneducated. Whether officially or self-taught doesn't matter, but I would have trouble getting past poor grammar, illiteracy, and narrowness of thought in order to get to know the person well enough to love them.

Would you?




  1. yeah,. In general, we could love everyone regardless of their education, IQ, EQ, or money.

    It can be suffocating to be with someone with different intelligence path and totally on another frequency channel.

  2. I find that a good spirit can make up for many other deficiencies.  Not everyone is well equipped to be thinkers or money-makers; in some cases this is no fault of their own.  To accept this and still be proud of what they CAN do is worth a lot.

  3. I have loved someone who was poor and near illiterate and it was very difficult.  I loved him very much but he was driven away by my ability to never be content with poverty and his feelings of inadequates so we broke up.

  4. No I couldn't, as a graduate student at UPenn (Go Quakers!) I find that I could not love an undereducated person. I must be with someone who has at least a bachelor's degree, if not the relationship will be doomed. Sorry if it sounded harsh but it's the honest truth.

  5. I agree with you completely- though I can also empathize that there may be very very intelligent people out there who are otherwise illiterate, they have probably not gotten the chance to learn the way that I was blessed with, and I don't know if I'd be able to converse with them at a level that I'm used to (which is ironic, I find quite a few people here to be borderline illiterate, haha!)

    Money is no object for me, I'm recently unemployed and struggling, but it's my loving boyfriend who has been the best part of my day. I could eat grilled cheeses forever so long as I have him :)

    However, I do not have any educational standard for those I love. I find that people who go to college are not necessarily intelligent, and some of those unable to go to college (or otherwise unwilling to go) can be far more intelligent than I, even with my fancy degrees.

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