
Could you love someone who did not love you?

by  |  earlier

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Hypothetical question

Imagine that you are bad looking and crippled.You live in the classical days, where your parents decide who you would betroth and where divorces are almost impossible to get and rare.

You get engaged to the man/woman of your dreams (intelligence, charm, looks, character) because your rich parents give his/her parents money and ask for pity. The more time you spend with them,the more wonderful you realize they are.

Your spouse is nice and friendly to you and does not cheat to you. They pay the bills or do the housework. They don't really love you and treat you more as a pal or roommate that they have compassion for and care about.

Could you really love them?




  1. If you don't want him, I do!  Sounds like the perfect mate.  Yes, you could love him and guess what?  He could love you too!  Really.

  2. not really..

  3. IN the Middle east and India this still happens. I worked with a woman who meet her husband to be the day of there wedding. And she was married to him at the time for 12 years. She told me over time you learn to love him. Hope this helps.

  4. It all depends, because that someone might be someone i might fall inlove with, or it might not. But i wouldnt want to be forced to be married to some guy i never knew. I dont mind being set up with him, being allowed to get to know each other and see how it goes.

    Yes, i would love them for their friendship and appreciate them, but i wouldnt want to be married to them and want them paying everything. I want to be in marriage where i am madly inlove with my partner and we share our love and happiness together. I do believe in divorce, i would not stay in a relationship where i am not happy, it will lead to cheating and lies and so much more.I believe that a person must be happy with themselves, and then only then can make others happy.

    I would not allow my parents to choose my life partner. Its mylife, so i make my own choices and i determine my own future. I dont let them control me when it comes to important choices in life. Everyone should have the rights to their own life. If i was ever in that situation, i would tell my parents off, althought i do respect them, i would not allow them to control mylife.

    By the way, what if the spouse is secretely unhappy too, and is inlove with someone else. It just makes a marriage filled with pain, hurt and loneliness. I could love him, but i would not be inlove with him and would not be happy.

    I would definately not marry my parent choice if i already had someone who i am madly inlove with and i see a future with.

    Love does hurt, it hurts alot, more than anything else in the world. Love comes along with trust, friendship, happiness, pain and it is where people just put themselves out in the open and be vulnerable, thats why it hurts. But at the end, its all worth it to give it a chance and risk yourself, as you learn so much about life. And it makes you feel alive. Making mistakes make you alive and human.


  5. You can love and not be loved back.  It is hard but possible.  Hope this is not you.

  6. I think I saw this question elsewhere, so......

    won't answer it twice! :)

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