
Could you make it by, joining the peace corps?

by Guest56975  |  earlier

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I want to join the peace corps after i graduate college. Could I make a career out of it? Could I get by living just joining the peace corps.




  1. The Peace Corps is a 2 year program. Applying takes up to a year in length because there is so much to do. If you get accepted you will have 3 months of in-country training, then you swear in as a volunteer (PCV) and begin your 2 years of volunteer work at your site. Its a long time away from home and can be hard/frustrating work. But it can also be the most rewarding work. You get a stipend to live at the level of the locals, and you get 24 vacation days a year. You don't get to pick WHERE you go, but you can request a region or two. There is never a guarantee that it will happen though.

    I have heard of older people, ie. retired, living their retirement in the PC. One woman did it 4 times, one person I talked to is in his 3rd "stint" of PC (meaning nearly 7 years). Both these people have been in different countries each time they were in the PC. The guy went from Africa, to the Pacific, and now the Caribbean. The woman went from China, to Ukraine, to Morocco, to Central Asia.

    I also know of one woman who recently returned from the Ukraine. He brother did the Peace Corps in the '80s, he went to Malawi for his 27 months in the Peace Corps. He never came back! Instead of coming home after he completed his service, he decided to stay in his village, and has lived there as a Malawian ever since. Amazing, eh? Another girls father was in the PC in the early 70s, and stayed there (Thailand) for 13 years.

    So, I've heard of older, retired people doing long "stints" in the PC, also of people deciding to stay in country. But not really anyone in their early 20s doing it. But that's definitely not to say its not possible, I just am not sure I've come across anyone our age who has done it. But its certainly possible I believe.

    Make sure you do plenty of research! Its a huge committment :)



  2. It is physically possible but highly improbable. As a volunteer you can't usually afford a house, car, spouse, children . . .

    It makes a heck of an adventure in your youth, or a soul-satisfying way to pay back when you are old, but it isn't a career for a middle-aged person.

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