
Could you make yourself happy if you were on death row ?

by Guest21565  |  earlier

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What would prevent you from being happy ?

Are we not all on death row just for being alive .. always at the mercy of an unexpected death ?

Thanks for your answers .




  1. i didnt fiink that death rows were allowed anymore....?

    oh well i guess i need 2 pay more attentiion in skool lol :o)

  2. here. have a cookie.

  3. death row in  . i think the best way would a severe illness that would elimate  constant delays.  many people on death ros are later proven innocent, but i guess hoping for freedom is a constant thought.  life is a journey that we all travel.  many of  us always on alert, and try to live healthy. many of abuse our bodies, altho we know better.  death row inmates have no such choices.

  4. I guess you could.  I mean, like you said, its just like living a normal life outside of prison.  Just in different means.  You don't get the nutrition you need though.  So I guess it all depends on what's in your mind.  If you are able to control your moods.

    Just like one morning you wake up and say to yourself "This is going to be a good day," you usually make it so that it is a good day.

  5. God gave me my smile, and only he can take it away from me.

  6. Ummmm if I was on death row I probably deserve it and wouldnt seek happiness but maybe get to a point that I validate why i am there, plus I would agree maybe why I deserve I am there.... maybe forgetting everything I had before would at least get me through it til my "time" comes.

  7. I don't usually see happiness as a constant state, but rather a relative and fleeting state according to desire and fulfillment. So yes, there would be moments of happiness after adjusting to the more limited circumstances of death row.

    I think our modern obsession with preserving life and our refusal to value death leads us to be unhappy, because it raises expectations to unnatural levels, to the level of immortality. We would be happier if we expected less from life and were more humble.

  8. depends on your outlook on existence.

    If you are spiritual you may believe you are going to a better place and make yourself happy thinking about that.

    If you were totally unspiritual you would have a hard time unless you were some kind of buddha.

    i think its possible in any case, you could do something you always wanted to do, or even take a load of drugs :P

  9. If I had a short time to live

    I doubt I would waste it by being depressed.

    So yes.

  10. The key to life is to be unconditionally happy. There is no death. We are not bodies.

  11. if i was in jail on death row, i could be happy yes but only if i believed i deserved it and if it was making someone else happy

  12. not  being in jail on death row

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