
Could you name anything interesting about deserts?

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  1. no lawn to cut,coyotes at night,clear skies for star gazing,no door to door sales people,you could warn the road runner when the coyote is up to no good,

  2. Las Vegas...It is in a desert

  3. I've been living in the desert now for 3 years and I love it. Clean air, cool evenings, plenty of out door activities, and its not over crowded. Plus you can't beat the sky at night!!

  4. Deserts are fascinating ecosystems - they are freezing at night and amazingly hot during the day.  They may go years with no water - then have a huge storm and flash flood.  Out of nowhere beautiful wildflowers appear - and in some cases even fish and frogs! The adaptations that animals exhibit are unparalleled in deserts. Harris's hawks are cool in that they actually hunt in packs like wolves - which is very unusual in the bird world.  The will also stack up when perches are few and far between - up to 6 birds tall!

    There is much that is interesting in the desert!

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