
Could you name ten things you dont want to hear?

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Could you name ten things you dont want to hear?




  1. 1) jonas brothers

    2) miley cyrus' man voice

    3) people nagging me

    4) people scratching the chalkboard (AHH!)

    5) babies crying

    6) school starting

    7) my boring teachers babbling (lol first day is tomorrow)

    8)  people whining

    9) obnoxious girls at my school talking about stupid things

    10) did i say the jonas brothers and miley cyrus yet???

  2. MIley Cyrus

    Jonas Brothers

    Ur a loner

    Clean u room

    eww ur emo

    omg wtf

  3. It's not you it's me.

    Things are too complicated.

    I'm in love with someone else.

    You're fired.

    He is gone.

    You must leave.

    No, you can't.

    You are not good enough.

    You are stupid.

    You are not pretty enough.

  4. 1. Tim LIncecum Out for the Season

    2. Jahvid Best out for the Season

    3. Jeff Tedford Fired

    4. Stanford wins

    5. Cal Loses

    6. Casey Stoner Out for the season

    7. F

    8. Brett Favre

    9. Burning Up

    10. Indiana Jones 5

  5. here's a few;

    Twilight haters

    my friend singing

    nails on a chalkboard

    teeth grinding together

    my aunts annoying voice

  6. hum...

    1. my bff mckenna is dead

    2. u will never get a cell phone

    3. jonas brothers

    4. both of my parents are dead

    5. the mall has burned to flames

    6. i have to b baby-sat by Diane again

    7. hollister and aero went out of buisness

    8. they stopped making snackwraps

    9. they stopped makin subway subs

    10. and they stopped making soda!

    all of those would b like the worst thing ever! OH and they arent in order of how bad they would b i just thought of them.  

  7. your mom died

    your sister died

    you're pregnant

    you have HIV

    you have cancer

    your mom has cancer

    your sister has cancer

    i'm breaking up with you

    i hate you

    you don't matter

  8. "Yankees win."

    "Red Sox lose."

    "Colts win."

    "Patriots lose."

    "You have herpes."

    "You have chlamydia."

    "Your mom died."

    "Your dad died."

    "You failed science for the third time."

    "The Jonas Brothers are talented."

  9. In no particular order:

    1) Kids screaming during a rated R movie.

    2) Someone's cell phone going off during a funeral.

    3) Any song by Colby Caliet.

    4) Nails on a chalkboard.

    5) The latest on the Republicans.

    6) That they moved the release date for the next "Harry Potter" movie off even further.

    7) That Matthew McConaughey is hot. (He's not. He's just dumb.)

    8) Who John Mayer is dating. (Like I give a flip!)

    9) That New Orleans is under water again. :(

    10) That the office manager where I work is staying. (No one likes her!)

  10. 1.miley's voice

    2. any jonas brothers song

    3. another question about miley or jonas brothers

    4. i hate you

    5. you stink

    6. katy perry's stupid songs

    7. anything about halo or wow  

    8. my mom nagging me

    9. my dad nagging me

    10. your hamster died

  11. You've gained 10 pounds

    You're going bald

    Your mom and dad died :(

    You're flat broke

    Your car just got hit .. it's totaled

    There's no more cheese cake left

    You're fired

    Wow, you were really drunk last night eh? Why were you dancin' on the speakers in your lingerie?

    You're pregnant .. with quadruplets

    You're fiance is cheatin' on you

  12. 1.) my BFFL Julia is dead

    2.)burger king stopped making snack wraps

    3.) they only play the JB on the radio now

    4.)everyone hates me

    5.) miley cyrus's voice

    6.)shut up i hate you

    7.) you are ugly

    8.)subway is outa bussniess [or whatever]



  13. "Green Day (my fave band) will be on the Jonas Brothers cd"

    "Sorry might want to get tested" (When im married)

    "We don't have enough money for you to go shopping with"

    "The dog just tore up your $200 pair of shoes"

    "That dress makes you look fat"

    "The Rangers lost the world series to the Padres"

    "Your credit card was declined"

    "I'm a transvestite"

    "I cheated on you with your cousin"

    "Your cooking sucks"

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