
Could you please briefly highlight some vital steps taken to conserve forests?

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I need those for my school summer project, so please answer accordingly if you can. Any kind of help will be appreciated and your name will be added in the acknowledgements. Thank you.




  1. Yes, when lumber companies come into a forest they leave the young trees and harvest the older trees.    These lumber companies also build roads, clean up brush and sometimes put in water lines.    They also re-plant trees!  The United States has more trees now than 1000 years ago!  You wouldn't know this if you read the NY times or Boston Globe or the LA Times.  

    Now, when lightening strikes "old growth forests" where no logging has taken place the entire forest burns down!!!  This kills millions of animals, consumes trees and is a total waste!

    Same lightening strike hits a forest where logging has taken place, here we have roads for the fire trucks to use to put out the fire.  Since the brush and other trash has been removed there is less chance of the fire getting out of control!  Fires are more of a problem in areas where there has been NO logging!  

    Logging ends up saving more trees than banning logging!

  2. taxation on chainsaws

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