
Could you please explain the important ratios to be considered for investment in shares with examples?

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Which stocks to be invested in now with longterm period.Pls recommend 10 stocks




  1. Average rate of return on investment of the company if you are a big investor. For small investors, earning per share or rate of dividend for past few years should be studied.

  2. Without sounding rude, its a tall ask for anyone to provide explainations with examples for what you wanted to understand - how to evaluate stocks, what are the important ratios to use and screen for the better companies, leading on to which are the best long term investment bets.

    Good questions that are arising in you. There are certainly very good places where you can quickly start getting to know the basics. I recommend the following

    Great investing basics websites

    Learn to do your own homework. Then there are places where you can cite your own investment ideas and ask experienced investors to comment,etc.

    Good Luck!

  3. if you just want people to give you investment ideas, then why do you care about the ratios if you're not going to do your own homework?

    if you can't come up with your own investing ideas, you may be better off buying into a mutual fund than accepting what people on here tell you.

    and no matter what, never let someone talk you into buying a penny stock or anything like that - those are NOT investments.

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