
Could you please give me some ideas???

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I have a project in my environmental biology. I need some ideas for a project proposal that can be implemented to university students for the conservation of marine life...




  1. If you're studying marine life there may be an estuary nearby.  You could do 2 things: Conduct an inventory with the assistance of the managing agency -- they can use the data, believe me -- or you can do a lower or upper tidal restoration.  It might be eel grass, pickleweed, cordgrass, or the managing agency may be able to recommend a plant palette.  

    I hope you take the opportunity to look on this as more than a project.  It's a great chance to get involved and do some good.

  2. talk about water components(gas saturation in the water of the sea) and the sea species that lives in the sea.

    get some fishes skeleton and tell them about its structure.

    tell them about oil pollution and other stuff.

    come on there are allot of topics to talk about...

    good luck!!!!!!1

  3. Conservation of Marine life? Implemented to university students?

    I guess... have them all pledge not to eat unsustainable caught seafood.

    That's a really vague and random topic. University students really don't have alot of impact on the aquatic life of our oceans in their day to day lives unless you want to stretch it out so far into CO2 reduction. Water absorbs CO2, which forms carbonic acid. As CO2 levels rise, the oceans acidity rises and can eventually become out of the range in which life can exist.

    But I don't know if that was the direction you wanted to go.

  4. This is impressive!

    You may try proposing a research project on the assessment or field survey of Mangrove forest, Seagrass, Corals and shore birds. As a result, you may be able to identify endangered or threatened marine species.

    Also, information on the various pollutants infused into a particular body of water could be an effective conservation subject matter.

  5. Try protecting the oceans by not polluting because believe it or not, it really disturbs the underwater ecosystems.

  6. I have an idea. Plant, and grow some marsh grass, to create  marsh land where it is needed.

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