
Could you please help me with a lie?

by  |  earlier

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Hi everyone, I need your help:

Everyday I have school from 8 a.m. to 15 p.m.....and after that I am going to some music lessons until 19 p.m and then I go to the gym until 22...

My parents expect me home at 16 p.m and I don't want to tell them what I must do after school

Can you please tell me a lie I can say to my parents that would actually WORK?

( Please don;t tell me to tell them the truth)





  1. Why do they expect you home? And how old are you? 10pm might be late (depending on your age...), so that might be why they're wondering.

    Just tell them you have extracurricular activities, and you joined band and a couple teams, and you have to practice!

    Or tell them you'd rather do your homework AT the school rather than at home, because you can focus better...

    Why would they be against lessons and gym?

  2. don't be a liar.

  3. Just tell them the truth if you are going to music and gym lessions theres nothing wrong with that I can't see why they'd object.

  4. Here is the thing with lying once started it never stops and continues to grow until you cant remember which lie you previously told.

    NO need in it, HONESTY is the best policy

    Yes I saw where you ask "Please don't tell me to tell them the truth"

    I cant do that and anyone that does needs help too.!

  5. If you don't want to tell the true stop the other activities and get home by 16 p m

  6. Well, I am not telling you to tell them the truth.  I don't understand why you have to lie.  According to what you are saying, you are doing nothing wrong.  Then, a lie would be a stupidity.

    By the way.  There is nothing like 15 p.m., or 19 p.m., or 22 p.m.

    Military time as it is called starts at 13:00 (for 1:00PM, and goes to 24:00 (for 12 midnight).

    There is never any reason to put PM if you are talking in military time.

    If you are still under 18, you should tell your parents what you are doing.  If not, get out of their house, pay rent, and then you can decide what you do in your own place.

    However, you are asking for freedom and a free place.

    If you want to live your life without telling your parents what you do, move out!!!

  7. Tell them you are working.  Can't you just tell them you are at the gym?  Do they object to that?  If so, can you go to the gym another time?  I don't really understand why it is so difficult...

  8. ok tell them that ur working but then they might ask where.... your studing at a friends house and have ur friends parents lie for you........ thats all that i can say good luck  

  9. I'm sorry but I don't want to help you lie to them

  10. i know you dont want to tell the truth however they will find out if you lie.  so that is what you should do.  if you lie and get caught you will be in way more trouble

  11. Why lie? When you tell one lie, you must tell more lies to cover for the first one........not a good idea. I think you should just tell them the truth, it will earn you respect and get you further. ~Good Luck~

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