
Could you please help me with this training problem?

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I have to start a training program on Monday. It consists of running, plyometrics, weights, endurance, speed, nutrition, etc. There are a lot of things that I don't know what to do when I start it. For example, in the gym, when lifting weights, I perform a certain exercise and don't know what weight to start out to perform 5-7 reps. Plus, I don't know if I could hit a certain pace, when I am doing my running workouts. Also, I haven't done anything intense in the past two months to get ready for this program. This isn't a program that is supervised by a coach, but rather a program that I have devised. I have 9 weeks to prepare for the next season. I want to get the benefits of the program. Any advice on how this week should be ran would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.




  1. I'm highly confused. You *devised* the program, yet you don't know how to execute its elements?

    If you don't execute weightlifting and plyometrics with perfect technique, I guarantee you'll become injured.

    Sorry to be so gloomy, but I've seen it dozens upon dozens of times.

    Also, you're preparing "for the next season" of which sport, BTW?

  2. It would really help if you gave more information, like your age,weight or running time. For weights, do alot of leg raise and leg presses set on the right weight for you. To figure that out, just  start of small and slowly make your way up until you find a weight where you can do 10 reps or more. On the days you work out make sure you don't do any cardiovascular activity like running or using the training bike because it burns certain carbohydrates and proteins that can be used for building muscle. Dont forget to do some light work outs with weights on your arms too, for arm pumping your way in the sprint.

    If your at a young age, focus less on weights and alot more on running running and more running. It takes more mental endurance than physical. That is if you're cross country running.

    If your a sprinter, do alot of suicides, interval running and speed runs with a timer. At first try and shave as much time off as u can and then focus on maintaining your best time or better. Leg raises and ankle raises can help alot for sprinting.

    Always drink alot of water and eat alot of vegetable/fruits with a good share of meat for protein. RUN ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But dont forget to take a day of break in between hard sessions or just run lightly on that day.

    Good luck, and try your hardest.. You have to be disciplined with a strong will.

  3. eat well get sleep and do some noral excersises(streches everyday)

  4. Do your plyos after your easy run days. I wouldn't do speedwork right away, except for strides. Once you build up a good base, start adding in speed work. Ask your coach what you should do. He/She knows best.

  5. Start off by using a weight that fatigues your muscle, whichever muscle the exercise is targeting, but not to the point of straining. When your muscles and joints are better conditioned to take strain, then you can go at it a little more energetically. As for running, I've been jogging for thirty years. I started out running VERY slowly for about a mile. Within a week or so I was running two miles VERY slowly. Then I started going farther and faster. I do wind sprints too. You need good shoes to run. How exactly you train depends on the sport. Basketball or soccer, more running. Football, more weight lifting.

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