
Could you please provide evidence that supports the theory that humans are not animals?

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Could you please provide evidence that supports the theory that humans are not animals?




  1. You might want to get ready for some bible quotes.

  2. I have evidence, read the bible. and if we came from animal why aren't more human coming from animals now!

  3. Can animals reason on matters? Can they make sound decisions? Most of all can they worship God? They are not concerned about the problem we have right now with global warming or Hurricane Gustav and Hanna. Some may foolishly say, "We don't know what they are doing while we are sleeping".  Then i would have to say that scientists don't know anything really then? because I've learned all I know about  animals from them.

  4. No.

    Becuase we are.

    Of course we are! What are we if we aren't animals?

  5. Yeah, please. What's the chance there won't be anything other than bible quotes?

  6. Everywhere I look, there is evidence that supports the theory that we ARE animals!

  7. Definition: Animal

    noun, plural: animals

    A living organism belonging to Kingdom Animalia that possess several characteristics that set them apart from other living things, such as:

    (1) being eukaryotic (i.e. the cell contains a membrane-bound nucleus) and usually multicellular (unlike bacteria and most protists, an animal is composed of several cells performing specific functions) (

    2) being heterotrophic (unlike plants and algae that are autotrophic, an animal depends on another organism for sustenance) and generally digesting food in an internal chamber (such as a digestive tract)

    (3) lacking cell wall (unlike plants, algae and some fungi that possess cell walls)

    (4) being generally motile, that is being able to move voluntarily

    (5) embryos passing through a blastula stage

    (6) possessing specialized sensory organs for recognizing and responding to stimuli in the environment

    Given that human beings fit everyone of those criteria, the answer to your question is no.

  8. Adonijah: The Bible is evidence as a fly finds t**d repugnant. Can you follow this line of thinking?

    There is no "theory" that humans are not animals. 'Hey You' covered it all, and there's nothing left to debate about. I shake my head everytime some fundie denigrates science or belittles the intelligence of scientists - these delusional dopes who can't even spell, let alone think.

  9. Who made up that theory?  We ARE animals.

  10. We are categorized as Homo sapiens.  We are animals,

  11. WE ARE!!! no theory for it, its all c**p. We are as much an animal as a dolphin.

  12. Yes, animals by physical makeup, but different in us than animals we have a conscience, that is to say a piece of the holy spirit inside of us. Animals dont show compassion or care for the weak, right or wrong, fair or unfair, or debate topics such as this, there may be the beginning of your proof.

  13. There is none cause we are!

  14. sure, animals sleep, shag and c**p. we don't

  15. no because humans ARE animals

  16. Who said we aren't?  We are the pinnacle of animal kingdom, sharing much and many physical traits with animals that are like us, but are NOT us.

  17. No....because we are animals

  18. Good luck with that.

  19. well in all technicality we do count as animals, simply the most intelligent and supreme. but from a religious point of view god made us to have dominion over all things, he made us the most intelligent and sometimes the most blessed.  

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