
Could you please tell me a little bit about peganism?

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never sure about what it is exactly

what are the morals

what do you worship

do you worship nature itself

or god(esses) that represent nature

what do pagans think about today's christian dominated world?




  1. Peganism?  Isn't that where they worship Peg Bundy?  

  2. People consider paganism a religion? New to me! Pagan is just a name for people who sin against God, who follow Satan.

  3. Angeleye....are you serious?

    Can people really be that uneducated?

    Pagan is certainly a religion.  Christians turned 'pagan' into a dirty word because anyone who didn't believe what THEY believed were sinners.  So Pagans (who practiced their own rituals and beliefs) became synonymous with sin.

    Please research religion before coming on this board.

  4. First clear your mind off the concept that Pagan is even one religion.

    It is not.

    Paganism is basically a whole swathe of many different religions that are non-Judea Christian and non-Dharmic in origin.

    The most popular religion in Paganism in the West is Wicca and NeoWicca.

    Wicca is an initiatory religion so not much is known about it with a great degree of certainty.

    NeoWicca does not require initiation and this we know a lot about. NeoWiccans are in general either duotheistic, monist or polytheistic. They in general abide losely by the Wiccan rede and the Witches Creed ( though most have drifted away from this a long time ago ).

    The second most popular is Druidism. Druidism is a very Nature centered religion that believes deeply in the sacredness of Nature. Their ethics very much emphasizes on personal development and also reverence and taking care of nature and living an ecologically sustainable lifestyle.

    Then we come to the recons. Asatru is the largest of these. They believe in the Norse Pantheon and revere the Norse Gods. Their ethics have recently been codified ( though it expands beyond that ) as the Nine Noble Virtues etc..

    There are other Recons like the Hellenics who believe in the Greek Gods and who follow in general the Delphic Maxims and the other moral codes and writings of the various Greek philosophers. The same goes for the Religio Romana who worships the Roman Gods and they abide by the Virtues. The Kemetics who worship the Egyptian Gods follows the moral codes as well etc..

  5. I think you mean paganism.  I'm pretty sure paganism is not a specific religion but rather it was a blanket term used by early Christians to describe non-Christians.  I believe the Latin root 'paganus' means 'country dweller'.  When Christianity came to the Roman Empire, it came first to the cities which had more interaction with the outside world.  (Remember Christianity was an import from the Near East.)  The country bumkins outside the cities continued to worship the old Roman pantheon of gods and so pagan came to mean someone worshipping multiple gods.  

    Regarding the worship of nature itself:  I think that would be called 'pantheism'.  Sorry I don't know much about that.

    PS careful about the "Christian dominated".  Christians constitute a bit less than a quarter of the world's people.

  6. try  

  7. This is of the devil himself.There will be those that are

    still blinded by him that will say otherwise though.

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