
Could you please tell me if this is this weird!!?

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Okay I'm just curious, I play on a boys baseball team and I'm a girl. I've been playing with these guys since fourth grade, and now am in 11th. So almost everyone I've played has grown used to seeing the one chick with the pony tail on the team. My teammates are super cool. They're not just my teammates, but they're also my friends. Of course I deal with some other sexist losers I play against, but for the most part I'm not bothered. My friends think it's cool but I'm wondering if that's weird or not. Not that I care, because nothing is going to stop me, which I've especially proven this year, but I'm just wondering. Please no rude answers, that won't help.

P.S. Please don't tell me to switch to softball...Softball is not the nations pastime, and the nations pastime is what I want to play. Plus, I'm making a statement too :) But above all, it's fun.




  1. nah, girl its not wierd if you love it and your having fun, then thats all that matters right?!

    keep doing your thing and have fun doing it!


  2. I had a girl on my team in Little League and she was pretty good, but now I am going into 11th and that has never happened where I live (SoCal). so yeah, that would b pretty weird  

  3. You seem to have the situation pretty much under control. Sexist losers are just that, sexist losers. It's definitely not weird to take pride in doing something unusual.

  4. your not hurting anyone by doing what you love so i say keep on playing and have as much fun as possible!!!!!!!!!

  5. no dude, its not weird.

    i play soccer and we had to share the feild with the football

    players one time

    and theres a girl on there,

    so dont worry about it.

  6. no it's not weird, if people think it's weird they are jealous because you are good you should become the #1 baseball player of all time just to show them  

  7. not weird at all.!!

    you just do what u wanna do

    an dont let noone stop you. Ever.

    lol and thats really cool what you do. seriously.!

  8. you answer you own question. nothing is gonna stop you. you are who you are, and if people can accept your weirdness then they should not ge your friend.

  9. I love your decision to play on the guys team - girl power baby!![:

  10. Nope! not weird at all! i played on a baseball team until i was 12. and there were only 2 girls. It's fine! totally normal!  

  11. No not at all you go Girl what your doing is amazing and your Proving people that Girls can be as good or even better than guys, keep doing what your doing

    P.s i would Star this question but i ran out :{

  12. Continue to play and have fun doing so.  Hope to see you in the majors someday if you are good.

  13. d**n! are you on the highschool team or something, because girls in our town aren't allowed to play on the boys team after middle school!

  14. wow. that is absolutly amazing. Its not wierd it just amazing. You go girl!

  15. I don't think there's anything weird about it. You should feel proud, just not conceited, about being the only female on the team.- That really says something about your ability and talent. Boy, I wish I had a chance to do the same thing. Haha Just forget about the negative comments from some people and have a great time playing a game you enjoy and be your best! ;)

  16. it's not weird at all

    i really respect you for playing with the boys and it shows that you're determined to play baseball no matter what. i'm not really sure what the exact question is but i guess there's my answer!

    keep doing what you love.

  17. It is pretty cool.  Hopefully you will be good enough to play in the NBA unfortunately for you boys have testosterone that allows them to get bigger and sometimes act like sexist losers

  18. Yes, it's weird. Is it wrong? I don't think so. Should you stop? No.

    But yes, being the only girl on a boy's baseball team is pretty weird. It's just as weird as a girl in my school who's the only girl on the golf team. Your case is especially different because baseball itself is traditionally a man's sport (to play) and after a certain age, girls are usually told to stop playing.

    It might be weird and different, but it's not bad or wrong. It's not something you should quit if you love it.

  19. well. it is unusual but nothing more than that.

    as for the making a statement part. what are you trying to prove? that girls can play like boys. im sorry, but if you think that you need to prove anything, then you must have those prejudices yourself.  

  20. i think that you should stick to your sport. and say f*** all the losers who think girls can't play. its not weird at all to me. i think that if you play good go for ur dream. dangg, i mean really. ppl need to stop being sexist and get on with their lifes. they are just jealous.

  21. I really admire you for what you're doing. As you basically said, who cares what other people think? You're making friends, and you're having fun. Yeah, people are going to question why you're on a guys baseball team, but it's definitely not weird. But there are going to be some people out there who are going to judge you for what you're doing, but you're so sure of yourself, which is great, that you know it's not going to stop you. Nothing is weird about going for your dream, and nothing is weird about doing what you love.

  22. HI,

    No, you're not any weirder than any guy who plays the great sport of baseball.  My daughter loved the game and played every chance that she got, she was very good and was even invited to try out for the Colorado Silver Sox when they had a woman's team.

    She played the game because she loved it.  She later became a baseball umpire for 12 years.  It took some of the guys a while to catch on to a woman umpire but she later became a highly repected official.  She received a lot of static for a couple of years but she blew it off.

    Sexist remarks are always something that women have to put up with when they are as good or better as a male in all enviroments.  They tend to become less and less as they get to know you and your game.

    Stay the course and live your life, don't let others get in your way.

    Please ignor the remarks like you don't hear them.  Responding then gets their attention and it just makes matters worse.

    Go get'em.

  23. I am a lover of baseball as well. I am 21 years old and would totally prefer a game of baseball over softball any day of the week. Don't worry what others think because you are doing something that YOU get enjoyment out of! I always wanted to play baseball when I was in high school but the coaches were real SEXIST towards girls playing any type of guys sport.

  24. Thats not weird, its pretty cool

    but if you want to play the nations past time switch to football

    I hate football and love baseball

    but its obvious that football is the nations past time.

    all I see on sportscenter is football no matter what time of the year it is.

    and madden is the top selling sports game out there. the mlb dont even have a good game, mlb the show is decent at most

  25. NO WAY I think a girl that stands up for herself and shows that guys and girls are no different except for certain body parts is well...kinda s**y my girlfriend is like that. she plays b-ball with me and my friends all the time and is our disctrict champ boys teams point gaurd

  26. you should be looking ahead more at the politics of the game and how that will affect you in later years, and if you want to deal with that part of it. Most sports are about the money and showmanship not the spirit of the game ne more..

  27. I guess it would be weird if i played against you but that's only because i have never experienced that before. I thought that by high school, they usually have separate boy and girl teams. Or if they don't, i wouldn't think that's weird at all because that's the only way you can play.

  28. if their your friends than why should you worry if that's wierd. i dont think it is. if you enjoy your teamates company and you enjoy the game than your having fun. and thats the thing that counts right.

  29. If you can compete on that level then the team ought to field a team comprised with the best players they can. If one of those happens to be a girl - so what? If she is the best option then use her!

    And you are playing a sport you enjoy. But you should always enjoy playing - when you no longer do - then it's time to get off the field.

  30. no thats not weird i think its really cool. its good to see that so many people are into baseball and that a lot of baseball fans arent sexist jerks (i can tell because they just answered your question).

    p.s. the nba is basketball

  31. i know exactly what your going through. i played on a guys soccer team for about 6-7 years. it was great. sure you have to work harder but that only makes you a better player later on in life. plus you earn the respect of your male team mates when you work hard and prove yourself to them. so stick with it and don't ever worry about it being weird.  

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