
Could you please translate to Vietnamese,Thanks?

by  |  earlier

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1) If you don't do your homework...Or

If you don't do better in school... You'll spend so much time in your room that you'll look like a mushroom when you finally see the sun again.

2) Do you think that I am made of money?

3) If you are going to rob me, please produce a gun, it will remind me of the shopkeepers at home.

4) If you are going to act like a pirate, kindly wear a scabbard and eyepatch, it would give me great pleasure.

5) I will pay that price the day I can ice-skate on the Mekong river.




  1. You can go to VDict for translation.

    I hope it helps!

  2. Rick - it sounds like you're having problems with kids. That in mind, you need to know only one Vietnamese phrase:

    Bố sẽ nói với mẹ.

    (I'm going to tell your Mother)

    Good luck to you!

  3. 1) If you don't do your homework...Or

    If you don't do better in school... You'll spend so much time in your room that you'll look like a mushroom when you finally see the sun again.

    Nếu con o/ học giỏi  trong trưòng...con sẽ phải ở mãi trong phòng cho đến khi con thành cái nấm lúc con thấy lại mặt trời.

    2) Do you think that I am made of money?

    Con nghĩ bố/ba làm được ra tiền

    3) If you are going to rob me, please produce a gun, it will remind me of the shopkeepers at home.

    Nếu con muốn cướp bố/ba, xin lấy súng ra, ít ra nó sẽ nhắc nhở bố/ba đến những người giữ tiệm ngay tại nhà.

    4) If you are going to act like a pirate, kindly wear a scabbard and eyepatch, it would give me great pleasure.

    Nếu con làm như mình là một kẻ cướp biển thì vui lòng mang vỏ kiếm và bịt mắt lại, nó làm cho bố/ba rất hả vạ.

    5) I will pay that price the day I can ice-skate on the Mekong river.

    Bố/ba sẽ trả tiền cho cái giá đó cái ngày bố/ba có thể trượt băng trên sông MêKong.

    Just a small problem with a wayward daughter who doesn't like school. The rest are for me to rant and rave when

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