
Could you pls help me better understand my Indian/Pakastanian neighbors?

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I moved to a brand new neighborhood, a few months later, our neighbors across the street moved in,they had the blessing of the house, the women wore colorful saris, it was fascinating to watch.

the family keeps to themselves,except the father, he is over at least once a week to lodge a complaint ,he hates cars parked outfron of our house, stating we are blocking his driveway, you could pull a truck into his driveway, and have room to do donuts, but we accomodate him and move the cars. what gives him the right, to verbally abuse us? on this simple matter...after serving 20 yrs in the military, to make this country everything it is for him, do I have to put up with this!! is it a cultural differance or is this guy a putz!




  1. house blessings are nice, my family do them every year,

    i doubt whether its cultural difference maybe he is just one of those tough cookies, or sour puss or as you put it, a putz. Some people are just stubborn.

  2. This guy is a putz..  that's all, plain and simple.  If you're on your property line, and the car is legal, park where you want to, as long as you're truly not on his property, and really not blocking him.

    Then if he comes and complains just inform him that you are within your rights to park where you are.

    Sometimes you just have bad neighbors.

    By the way, there's a BIG difference between a Pakistani & an Indian.  And, they don't like being mistaken for each other.

  3. Explain to him that you do not wish to block his driveway and politely ask him to demonstrate exactly what he means.  Both sides will learn something here.  Try to reach some kind of accord so that you and your neighbors get along with each other.  The fact that this man is Pakistani (not Pakistanian) is not an issue here.  The possibility that he may just be a crab is worthy of consideration though.

  4. If your cars were not somehow obstructing his driveway, then I can't imagine why you would move them. The fact that you actually did move them tells me that they must have been in the way somehow. Also, I see no relevance in the fact that you served in the military to this issue. Your need to point out the ethnic origin of these people leads me to believe that you and your family have a problem with their race and culture which is the real issue. You need to stop trying to provoke them and mind your own business.

  5. I think you need to tell him your side of things. If you think he is wrong about a complaint, tell him, and don't back down. Don't feel as if you have to do everything he says to pacify him. If you're not breaking the law and you're not being overtly obnoxious, then don't worry about it. I'm the kind of person that would install a complaint box by my front door. lol

  6. You should not have bothered to accommodate him.  It is a public street.  If you are not blocking his driveway, what does he have to complain about?  He is bullying you.  Tell him to leave you alone and stay off your property.    If he continues, get a restraining order that says he is not allowed to come within such-and-such feet of you or your property.

    It doesn't sound like a cultural thing... it sounds like a military thing.

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