
Could you pretend to care for 2years & then cold bloodedly kill for money?

by  |  earlier

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How can greed drive anyone to such depths?

A tale of 2 witches:,0,5422268.story




  1. yes

  2. Sick people.  Sick sick sick sick.

    Let those hags rot in jail.

  3. there are a lotta crazy people living in and around us as "normal" and "sane"

  4. no only if they were truely evil or i had lost my mind

  5. Sadly they are too old to ever truely pay for their crimes...

  6. yes i could easy

  7. holy macaroni - femme fatale all the way.

    Thats evil and wrong.  Greed is something one must abstain from throughout their life,  unfortunately we live in a world run by greedy money lenders and powerful corporations who take 'stup1d' peoples money heh.

  8. I somehow wonder about the history of these two women. I think they have been evil all their lives.

    I wonder what they have done in the past.

    Given their ages wouldnt have been out of place as guards in an extermination camp by the look of them!!!

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