
Could you provide me with some good interview tips?

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I often get called back for job interviews. However, I never seem to get the job. I think that it may be my interview skills. I've printed a copy of common interview questions and I've got my answers down pat for those questions. However, as a person, I tend to be quiet and shy and I fear it may be seen in the interview, epescially since the interviewer often does most of the talking. Also, I tend to get nervous a lo during interviews. Can you provide me with tips to conquer my nerves? I would also appreciate any tips that could be useful in getting the job. Thanks!




  1. I would work on your body language, as actions speak louder than words.

    -Always keep eye contact with the interviewer, but don't stare, because it's intimidating. every few seconds maybe look at a different part of the face to avoid staring, but you might want to practise beforehand.

    -Don't cross your arms or legs, it acts like a barrier and it will make you look defensive.

    -Take up as much space with your body as you can without looking like an idiot. It might sound strange but the more space you take up with your body, the more confident you look, but under interview conditions try to tone it down a bit, of course.

    -Nod and make encouraging 'utterances' (like "mhm") when the person is talking, it shows that you are paying attention and actually participating in the conversation.

    -Don't slouch - Sit up straight. Also you might want to lean in a *tiny* bit towards the interviewer.

    -Relax your shoulders

    -Smile! Don't take yourself too seriously! Try and stay positive. The most important thing you wear is your expression =)

    -keep your head up, try and refrain from looking down.

    -Move slower, pace yourself in speech. In talking it gives you time to think about what you're saying, walking slower calms you down a bit, and if you move slowly you appear more calm and confident.

    -Watch your hands. Don't fiddle with things, don't touch your face, keep them low, or use them to animate your speech a bit. Don't hold your hands near your chest, if you're holding a drink, it acts in the same way as folding your arms.

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