
Could you rate and fix my zombie deck?

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Monsters (23)

Pyramid Turtle (3)

Castle of Dark Illusions (2)

Vampire Lady

Regenerating Mummy (3)

Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower

Spirit Reaper

Wandering Mummy

Pumpking the King of Ghosts

Despair from the Dark

Vampire Genesis

Vampire Lord

The Lady in Wright

Des Lacooda

Dark Dust Spirit

Giant Axe Mummy

Ryu Kokki (3)

Spells (10)

Call of the Mummy (3)

Heavy Storm

Book of Life (2)

Mystical Space Typhoon

Lightning Vortex

Brain Control

Monster Reborn

Traps (9)

Dark Spirit of the Silent

Zoma the Spirit

Dark Mirror Force

Radiant Mirror Force

Cyber Shadow Gardna

Magic Cyllinder

Divine Wrath

Skull Lair

Negate Attack




  1. Hello. As of now, your Zombie Deck is about 5/10. Once I fix it, though, it will be much better. You seem to be using a few very obscure cards that make the Deck very inconsistent, but I can fix it. Let's go.

    MONSTERS: 20

    3 Mezuki (Premium Pack 2)

    3 Zombie Master

    2 Vampire's Curse

    1 Lich Lord, King of The Underworld

    3 Pyramid Turtle

    2 Goblin Zombie

    1 Card Trooper

    1 Morphing Jar

    2 Cyber Dragon

    1 Spirit Reaper

    1 Dark Dust Spirit

    SPELLS: 14

    3 Book of Life

    2 Card of Safe Return

    2 Call of the Mummy

    1 Book of Moon

    1 Nobleman of Crossout

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Premature Burial

    1 Pot of Avarice

    1 Giant Trunade

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    TRAPS: 6

    1 Eradicator Epidemic Virus

    2 Deck Devastation Virus

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Trap Dustshoot

    Side Deck: 12

    1 Jinzo

    2 Solemn Judgment

    2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    2 The Tricky

    2 Mask of Darkness

    1 Sword of Dark Rites

    2 Ryu Kokki

    I tried to steer away from the il Blud zombie base, as its ridiculously expensive to build, and I wanted to make your Deck a little unique. It still packs the punch of a standard Zombie Deck, and should win many Duels, with or without il Blud.

    For your Monsters, I added three of the almighty Mezuki. This Monster is essential for any Zombie build. Vampire's Curse and Zombie Master are very powerful attackers/revivers, and are very good for this particular build. Lich Lord can be returned to the hand after sacrificing for one of your Virus cards, creating ridiculous cycles with Call of The Mummy. Dark Dust Spirit is another excellent choice, as you can use him to blow away your opponent's monster(s), then raise your Undead denizens with Book of Life to take the win. The rest is pretty standard, self-explanatory Deck fare.

    The Spells needed a bit of serious attention. You missed one critical card in particular: Card of Safe Return further rewards your mass Summoning by letting you Draw. I replaced Heavy Storm with Giant Trunade; this way you won't have to worry about the tedious task of retrieving your Continuous Spells from the Graveyard. Finally, I added some staple spells to balance the lineup: Premature Burial, Monster Reborn and Nobleman of Crossout.

    Your Trap lineup needed a total overhaul. I dropped everything you originally had and replced it with a Virus Trap lineup. This should add a much more controlling tone to the Deck.

    The Side Deck is pretty self-explanatory, made to counter the most popular Decks in the Metagame.

    Hope this answer helps. Happy Dueling!!!

  2. need 3 mezuki and il blud and zombie master

  3. Zombie...deck?

    What are we talking about?


  4. ok this is what u need to do

    take out des lacooda dark dust spirit and dispair from the drak add 3 zombie masters add 2 more soul absorbing bone tower and add 2 card of safe return take out dark mirror force skull lair u need your monsters to bring back take out pumpkin of ghosts add 2 goblin zombie and 2 ill bluds aswell

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