
Could you rate me on a scale from 1 to 10?

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on a scale from 1 to 10? I dont need nasty comments though thanks




  1. 9

  2. your pretty, but youd be prettier as a prep (;  

  3. 8

  4. 7

  5. 8.5. Your eyes and hair are gorgeous. But Im not a big fan of the lip piercing. The nose piercing is cute though.

  6. =O

    ur veryyy very pretty!!!

    9 1/2 out of 10

  7. 9... ur a cutie patootie

  8. a 6.

    I think you try too hard to get attention.

    I dislike peircings on the lips

  9. 8.999999945

  10. 7.5 =)

  11. 6

  12. at least a 8-9 id say your very pretty but in an unusual way which is good

  13. 4

  14. Looks-9

    Outlook on yourself from outer perspective-4

    You're a very pretty girl but you don't need people on some yahoo site or any site at that telling you how good you look. Your opinion of yourself should be the only opinion that matters. You asking people to rate you on yahoo answers seems to me that you're not sure about yourself or how good looking you think you are. Deep inside that effects what type of person you are and the look you display to others about yourself. Be confident. :)  

  15. 8/10 in the picture.

    9/10 if you get rid of the studs and piercings.

  16. 8 (:

    i think you would look really pretty with a full fringe and backcombed hair, but in the picture your hair looks like it may be a bit too thin.

  17. ur a 9 or 9.5 your major cute luvvin da hair and eyes

    dont really dig the mouth piercing  

  18. Nice hair

    Clear skin

    I give you a 9

  19. 7. You would look better without the piercings.

  20. I would say a 9- you are a very pretty girl- i like the nose ring- very cute- not so fond of the other peircings- but you rock them. x

  21. 6

    you have beautiful eyes

  22. I never I mean NEVER give tens b/c lets be honest who's a ten? But your probably one of the closest to being there. I iwsh there was girls like you here where im at....I find your style very attarctive....peace and maybe we'll cross paths some day :P...peace

  23. A solid Eight.  I think you are beautiful

  24. Classic beauty.  Remove the piercings and you are a 9.

  25. you look like a bit**

    I give you a 3

  26. For me Solid 6.5 but to gothic guys you would probably be a 9. It is all personal preference though.

  27. 7/10

    your soo pretty!

    i lvoe your eyes

    im soo jelouse of you!


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