
Could you really consider Darth Vader a villian??

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Think about it. He stored order in the galaxy and there was less problems. I think before him there were no stormtroopers (tons of them) and all there were was jedi (limited amount). I could be wrong. Im not a hardcore fan but know a little about it... what do you think?




  1. He used violence and took away people freedoms in order to gain order. Thats a villain.

  2. Well, yes and no (can't really decide). Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker in the past, the child the Jedi knights consider to be in the prophecy, the one who will restore peace and order to the galaxy. He was the one who killed all the Jedi knights but the same time he killed the "root" of evil in the end.

  3. Lets see he was good when he was younger. Then growing up he was brainwash to killed all Jaydie youth & he betrayed all his friends & his master to save his pregnet girlfriend. He is also a traitor Jaydie.

  4. Yes, Darth Vader was indeed a villain. There is a defining moment as well. Anikan and Vader are really two different people of the same man. Anikan was tricked by Palatine and swayed to the dark side. Even after killing all the Jedi in the Jedi Temple and trying to kill Obi-Wan, he is still not a villain. He was confused, hurt, and felt betrayed by his master (Obi-Wan). When Anikan became Darth Vader, I believe, was when he was actually mechanized, and suited with that classic outfit. I think it's symbolic of Anikan's transition to Vader. When Anikan learned of Padme's death, he was broken, scarred, and so angry that he left behind who he was and became Darth Vader in full. Those things made him the villain that we all know. Now he hunts down and kills all the remaining Jedi in the galaxy. He propels the Empire into destroying most of the Rebels. He kills because he has nothing left to live for. Darth Vader is Anikan Skywalker's dark side. Also the Stormtroopers (clones) were ordered by Palatine (the Emperor) nearly twenty years before Anikan became Vader. That's just my opinion, sorry for rambling on so much.

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