
Could you really get a full stomach eating as a vegetarian?

by Guest66988  |  earlier

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Could you really get a full stomach eating as a vegetarian?




  1. My stomach is too full!  ;)

  2. Yeah -- it's called eating potatoes and pasta!

  3. Ummm yeah......insert food, fill stomach.

  4. I'm sorry, but this is really a "duh" question.

    You get a full stomach from the volume of food you eat.  If you eat a lot of anything, you get full.

  5. Are you kidding? Of course you can!

  6. Yeah, definitely! I always get full because fresh fruits and vegetables fill me up after I have my entree.

  7. omg, yes!!! trust me, it happens to me ALL THE TIME!!!! lol. : )

  8. Oh most certainly.

  9. haha DUHH!!

    even when I wasn't vegetarian I didn't eat much meat but I still got full!! I've always been a picky eater lol

  10. Yes.  While it is the amount of food that first gives you the feeling of satiety, the most important factor, particularly as a vegan, to staying sated for a significant amount of time is what you eat.  Veggies and fruits make you feel full quickly because of their bulk and water content; however, sometimes you might not feel that way as long as you would like.  A common mistake is eating just veggies and fruit.  If you have a salad, for instance, mix nuts in with it.  They will keep you longer.  Also, don't forget things like whole wheat pasta.  For breakfast, I like steel-cut oats - they have more bulk than regular oats and will keep you full longer.  Eat nuts about 30 minutes before your meal and you'll feel more sated before you even begin your meal.  Another thing I do is I eat 6 small meals a day instead of trying to make 3 take me over the 24 hours.  And, remember, even a vegan eats junk.  I'm a Twinkieaholic!

  11. More likely than for an omnivore. Generally speaking, vegetable food is less dense in nutrients and higher in fiber than meat, so you are more likely to feel "full" before you feel "satisfied."

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