
Could you really really live in a cold country, ie Alaska, us shivering Britains?

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I defo couldnt survive cold minus anything. Could you?




  1. Absolutely... Britain has such crappy weather, its either hot, but not hot enough or cold but not cold enough... In Glasgow specifically, it tends to be raining... hot rain or cold. It sucks!

    The middle of winter here I normally walk my dog wearing little more than a pair of jeans and a shirt... It takes a lot to make me feel cold.

    Id love to live somewhere that experiences "actual snow" not that floaty whispy c**p that occasionally falls here. Im talking blizards, frozen rivers, whiteouts, snoe shoes, dog sledding, the whole kitten kaboodle.

    Id love it!

  2. IMHO the worst part of our weather has always been the endlessdamp grey murky days we get You know that wet rain your granny always worried about After that dry minus temps in such as Alaska etc would not be so bad Only real problem there would be having to did your kayak out of the snow to get to work in the morning ROFL

  3. It feels different abroad.  I once went to Michigan when it was -15 on some days and deep snow.  As long as my head and hands were covered, it was ok.  Here, as soon as it gets close to freezing, I am cold!

  4. We are very adaptable people.   I have lived in sub zero temperatures and in the tropics.    You can wrap up or cover up as need be.

  5. WHAT it,s cold haven't you heard about globe warming? You should be running around nude,it's to hot.HE HE HA HA.  I'm in Wisconsin USA and it been snowing .The low tonight will be around 5degrees fert.

  6. No way, in fact I'm moving somewhere hot as soon as possible!  I hate this weather!

  7. No I couldn't live in a cold climate.  This cold snap of -6 is really making me suffer.  Wishing I was a hibernating animal til it's over!

  8. No way, i'm a sun worshipper.

  9. I'd love to live in Alaska for a couple of years. I'm an ameture lanscape photographer. So a trip to Alaska would be great.

  10. I have, it's not so bad - your body adjusts to the temperature

    but at minus anything you have to watch out for frostbite.

  11. as long as its not humid!  i kinda like the cold at times... you can have a cuddle buddy and such =]

  12. I lived in Canada for a while and it was so cold my bogie's froze in my nose! (Minus 45 c)

    Canadians have to pug their cars into the mains over night so they start the next morning!

    The USA handles snow so much better than here in the UK they have six snow ploughs to clear six lane highways moving all at once. It was really cool to see here we just have a bloke chucking a bit of grit off the back of a council lorry.

    I've lived in Aussie too and experienced 45c in heat which was so hot I was sick! Typical POM I know!

    No I love UK weather because (so far) it has not regularly been too extreme and you never know what you will get next!

  13. Have lived all over Canada and could not imagine being without all four seasons. Sure having your car freeze solid at - 40 C can be frustrating if your late for work but an early morning walk in the same temp, with ice fog turning the world into a crystal fantasy is something to experience. 20-30 cm of snow overnight sucks if you have to dig out early but tobogganing by a full moon is a joy. So you learn to adapt and enjoy or settle for being miserable and move.

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