
Could you recycle your own Urine, is this a way to preserve water?

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If the right filter was used, could you continuously just clean your Urine, as long as you only drink Water?

The availability of fresh water will decline, according to the UN, who project that by 2025 1.8bn people will be affected by water scarcity, so is the idea of recycling your urine good?





  1. I'm not sure but a great way to save water is to urinate outside-in different places each time so it doesn't smell- or in your sink-rinse w/ a cup or two of water or bleach if it starts to smell. also, carry up to a one gallon container for urinating in your car. kind of graphic but it's worth being graphic to save water

  2. That's pretty extreme I doubt we will have to do that any time soon.

  3. On some sort of survival TV show once they showed how you can extract water from your urine by putting it in the sun and letting it condinsate into a bottle.

  4. There is a gadget on the market at the moment for campers, etc. to recycle their urine for drinking but I don't think I would like to do it all the time.........eeeeeeew!

  5. the problem is when you get to the point of water scarcity there wont be enough water to go around to make you pee enough to keep your body hydrated. you have to drink water to be able to pee and maintain kidney function and proper liver function. so when the day comes we are just screwed. I would make a contraption to catch rain water not your pee.

  6. Yeah, but why would you want to? hahaha

  7. There are ways to recycle your urine into a drinkable water, but I think the point of water conservation is so that we don't have to do that.  Your better off taking shorter showers, and then filling your glass in the sink.

  8. You can drink urine in an limited amount.  It is not the best thing to do being it is waste.  There are survival guides out there that tell you different way to collect water from the ground using condensation.  Water conservation is important to keep in mind.  You may not think we are low but in most cases we are always (A to little to late kind of nation).  We do it with a lot of thing.  Most people not all think that its not there problem.  I'm sorry to say global warming is real and if we don't do something very soon (not in a few years NOW) there will be no time.  We are like frogs in a pot of water if you heat the water slow the frog will cook.  but if you drop him in boiling water he will jump out.  We are slowly cooking. Take a good long look at what is going on the the world. The planet is way out of wack and (we are the problem). The U.N. is way off in there projection because global warming is very hard to figure out there are a lot of variables.

  9. Urine is full of salt and other chemicals that your body doesn't need.  The best way to remove these impurities would be to distill it.  However, you wouldn't be able to distill anywhere near enough to meet your daily requirement.  Desalinating sea water is probably a more practical alternative (they've been doing it for decades on Aruba).

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