
Could you reduce your meat consumption down to once a week?

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As an omnivore living with a vegetarian partner, I decided to eat LESS meat 3 years ago, as I thought it was a good thing to do for health reasons.

Now - for the first time EVER - I don't really feel like eating my meal of roast chicken tonight - I'm happy with just the potatoes and veggies.

I do eat more fish now - particularly smoked, But just wondered if anyone else could reduce their meat input?

For the record I now eat more spinach - high in iron, and seem to have put ON weight since the switch.




  1. I rarely eat beef, maybe once a month.  I do eat fish and chicken, but not much.  it's fine to reduce or eliminate the consumption of meats as long as you eat some other form of protein.  

  2. It's possible-- but you need to find substantial alternative ways to get protein and other minerals into your diet. I suggest talking to your doctor before making any drastic changes to your diet.

  3. I am not a vegetarian, but i love veggie food. This is mostly due to the fact that i used to work in a restaurant and the boss was veggie so would cook us all the same for dinner.

    I could probably not eat meat at all if it wasn't for sausages, i love sausages, veggie sausages just aren't the same.

    I used to eat a lot of meat. But much the same as you i slowly went off it and much prefer the vegetables.

  4. Theres no problem actually for anyone to reduce their meat intake since there are many other alternatives. I love fish so I eat that more often than meat...only occasionally I chose meat. As for your weight gain..maybe since stopping meat you subconsciously upped ur intake of carbs...try looking back at what you've been eating lately cause another reason for the weight gain could be edema due to protein energy malnutrition but I dont think so..

  5. I'd have a hard time.  I could go a day or two meatless, but I love meat.  Beef especially.  If we have spaghetti I can go meatless.  Occasionally have a grilled cheese for supper.  

    Like I said, I'd have a hard time.  I could easily give up pork (well, at least pork chops) and I can live the rest of my life without a boneless, skinless chicken breast.  I know they are healthy, but my hubby and I both hate them!

  6. i have reduced mine quite alot, dont really like it much now either!!! i eat quite alot of quorn as its lower in fat than normal mince etc. have chicken or fish once a week and the rest is mainly vegetarian i guess!!( and way too much pasta!!)

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