
Could you run a country while raising that many kids?

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A baby with down syndrom, a pregnant teen and a son in Iraq and some other kids in elementry school. Frankly I couldn't even function at my regular job much less run a country with a family like that!! How can she?




  1. Well technically she wouldn't be running a country, only co-running.

    But yeah, I think someone could do it, depending on your mind-set.

    I personally am too lazy to get the washing off the line,while just running the household, so it's not the ideal job for me, that's for sure!

  2. It's 2008 - why are you still a sexist?  Did you ask that question about ANY other candidate?

  3. I'm not American, but I think that is the kind of experience that any presidential candidate (or vice, as in this case) should have on his/her cv. It's more encouraging to see that this is valued for once, rather than just the social climbing attributes, such as having been some kind of activist, lawyer or business magnate.

    If she can run that household, I think she is more than fit to run a country. I'm pretty sure there are nanny services in the White House. If Bill Clinton could found time to conduct his extra marital (non sexual!) relationship, , I think this  youthfull and energetic woman will probably find time to attend her family. Unlike good ol' Bill, at least she won't have the pressure of keeping that a secret.

  4. Oh c'mon, politicians don't run the country.  Are you saying she has to stay home with the kids?  If a man said the same thing you are saying you would call him chauvinistic.

  5. Well, John Tyler did pretty well with 15 kids.

    John Tyler, nicknamed "Accidental President, was the president who had the most children, 15. First Lady: 8 children with first wife Letitia Tyler and 7 children with 2nd Lady: Julia Garbiner.

    With only 5 children, Sarah Palin would have to have 10 additional children to compete with John Tyler.

    By the way, a vice president is rarely called on to run the country.  Gov. Palin's constitutional duty will be to run the Senate, and even that is usually handled by the president pro tem.  The vice presidency is a very flexible job.



  6. well between these two jobs motherhood and running a country one of them is going to fail either the president thing or motherhood

  7. Yes you can.  Lots of moms manage their households and work full time jobs.  I am a SAHM, I could not, but she has run a state just fine.  I think she probably has a pretty rock solid support system.

  8. OF COURSE!!!!!..if A Woman Can Have Strength enuff to Deal wit alladat AND run for president......I think SHe Can Sure as h**l  do it

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